Creating products from local materials in the Songkhla Lake Basin
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The creation of products from local materials in the Songkhla Lake Basin is a product design event that promotes the making of new products as an option for the community to produce to generate income. by creating products from local materials in the Songkhla Lake basin It is a product design inspired by lifestyle. local wisdom using locally sourced materials to create new products Increase income for the community The research area is the area of Songkhla Province. Node Art Group, Sathing Phra District, Songkhla Province, which is the area of the Songkhla Lake Basin In the design of the product this time, the result is a product with a creative lifestyle. local wisdom with interesting stories and can continue to create new products to generate income for the community as an alternative to farming to increase the community's income by the evaluation results of consumers who use this produc Overall, it was at a high level with a mean of 3.64 standard deviation of 0.69. But when looking at the details, it was found that lamp product model At a high level, with an average of 3.87 standard deviations 0.51, followed by a high level of suitability in material selection with an average of 3.75 standard deviations of 0.70. The beauty of the product is at a high level with an average of 3.73 parts. Standard Deviation 0.52 The usability of the lamp products is at a high level, with an average of 3.60 standard deviations of 0.83, respectively. It can be concluded that the products from local materials in the Songkhla Lake Basin can fulfill the objectives of the research.
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