Motivation, Performance, SoldierAbstract
The objectives of this research were 1) to analyze the motivation for the performance of soldiers in the 109th Artillery Battalion, 9th Artillery Regiment and 2) to compare the motivation for the performance of soldiers in the 109th Artillery Battalion, 9th Artillery Regiment, classified by the independent variables. The quantitative cross-sectional analytic study collected data from 152 troops using a questionnaire with a reliability score of .92. Statistics included frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, One-Way ANOVA for variance analysis, and pairwise testing using Scheffé’s Method. The research findings revealed that the level of motivation for the performance of soldiers in the 109th Artillery Battalion, 9th Artillery Regiment was overall at the high level. The aspect of commanders had the highest mean. When comparing the motivation for the performance, it was found that age, educational level, and salary were different at the statistically significant level of .05. There was no difference in experience, rank, and status. Therefore, in formulating the policies to enhance the motivation for the performance, the management should prioritize the variables of age, educational level, and salary.
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