
The Asia-Pacific Journal of Science and Technology (APST) follows a strict code of ethics and best practices for journal editors. These guidelines are in line with recommendations from leading academic publishing organizations, notably the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).


COPE is an organization that promotes ethical practices and transparency in academic publishing. Some of the key guidelines set by COPE for authors, reviewers, and editors include the following:

1. Manuscript Integrity

Ethical conduct and transparency are fundamental to all research. Proper source attribution and citation are essential, and plagiarism must be avoided to maintain the integrity of published work.

The APST journal has a zero-tolerance policy for plagiarism, including self-duplication. To ensure compliance, all manuscripts undergo screening with plagiarism detection software prior to peer review. Our plagiarism management policy is as follows:

     1. Plagiarism level below 25%:

          - The manuscript will be evaluated and considered for review.

     2. Plagiarism level between 25% and 30%, or any single source exceeding 4%of content:

          - The manuscript will be returned to the author.
          - Authors will be required to revise the content and resubmit.

     3. Plagiarism level exceeding 30%:

          - The manuscript will be immediately rejected.
          - No further review processes will be initiated.

These measures aim to uphold the highest standards of academic integrity and original research in our publications.

2. Peer Review Process

APST employs a robust and unbiased peer review system to evaluate submitted manuscripts. This process is designed to:

  1. Ensure high-quality research publication
  2. Verify the accuracy and reliability of content
  3. Uphold ethical standards in scientific reporting

Our peer reviewers, selected for their expertise in relevant fields, critically assess each manuscript for:

       - Scientific merit and originality
       - Methodological soundness
       - Clarity of presentation
       - Adherence to ethical guidelines

This thorough evaluation helps maintain the integrity and credibility of research published in our journal, contributing to the advancement of science and technology in the Asia-Pacific region.

3. Conflicts of Interest

All parties involved in the publication process - authors, reviewers, and editors - are required to disclose any potential conflicts of interest. A conflict of interest exists when:

  1. Personal or financial relationships
  2. Professional affiliations
  3. Intellectual property considerations
  4. Other factors could reasonably be perceived to influence the objectivity of the research, its presentation, or the publication decision.

Disclosures should be:

       - Made promptly and voluntarily
       - Specific and comprehensive
       - Documented in writing

The journal will review all disclosures and determine appropriate actions, which may include:

       - Noting the conflict in the published article
       - Assigning alternative reviewers or editors
       - Rejecting the manuscript if the conflict is deemed too significant

This policy aims to maintain transparency, protect the integrity of the scientific process, and preserve public trust in our published research.

4. Authorship Criteria

Proper attribution of authorship is crucial for maintaining research integrity and ensuring fair recognition of scientific contributions. The APST journal adheres to the following authorship criteria:

       4.1 Substantial Contribution: All listed authors must have made significant contributions to at least one of the following:

          - Conception or design of the study
          - Data collection or analysis
          - Interpretation of results

      4.2 Intellectual Involvement: Authors should have participated in:

           - Drafting the manuscript or critically revising its intellectual content

      4.3 Final Approval: Each author must have:

          - Reviewed the final version of the manuscript
          - Approved it for publication

      4.4 Accountability: All authors agree to be accountable for:

         - The accuracy and integrity of all aspects of the work

Individuals who contributed to the work but do not meet all four criteria should be acknowledged in the manuscript but not listed as authors.

The corresponding author is responsible for ensuring that all listed authors meet these criteria and that no deserving individuals are excluded from authorship.

5. Data Integrity and Reproducibility

The APST journal is committed to upholding the highest standards of data integrity and promoting scientific reproducibility. To this end, we have established the following guidelines:

       5.1 Data Accuracy and Completeness

            - Authors must present their research data in its entirety, without omission or manipulation.
         - All data points, including outliers, should be reported unless there is a valid scientific reason for exclusion.

       5.2 Data Accessibility

           - Where applicable, authors are strongly encouraged to make their raw data openly accessible.
        - This may involve depositing datasets in public repositories or including them as supplementary materials.

       5.3 Methods Transparency

           - Detailed methodologies must be provided to enable other researchers to replicate the study.
          - Any unique materials or software should be clearly identified and, where possible, made available to other researchers.

       5.4 Statistical Reporting

           - All statistical tests and parameters should be clearly described.
           - Authors should provide enough detail to allow for independent verification of their analyses.

       5.5 Code Availability

         - For computational studies, authors are encouraged to share their code through public repositories or as supplementary materials.

       5.6 Material Sharing

          - Authors should be prepared to share unique materials described in their publication with qualified researchers, subject to reasonable conditions.

By adhering to these principles, we aim to enhance the reliability and impact of published research, fostering trust in scientific findings and accelerating scientific progress.


Publication Ethics

Editors' responsibilities: 

The editorial team of APST is committed to maintaining the highest standards of publication ethics. Our responsibilities include:

1. Review Process Enhancement

     - Continuously update and improve our peer review system
     - Implement state-of-the-art reviewing practices

2. Publication Integrity

     - Publish retractions, clarifications, corrections, and apologies when necessary
     - Maintain transparency in all editorial processes

3. Quality Assurance

     - Assign suitable reviewers to evaluate submitted manuscripts
     - Continuously work to improve the overall quality of the journal

4. Editorial Board Communication

     - Keep editorial board members informed of any changes to journal policies or procedures

5. Confidentiality

     - Maintain strict confidentiality regarding submitted manuscripts
     - Share information only with relevant parties (reviewers, authors, advisors, journal officers)

6. Impartiality

     - Evaluate manuscripts based solely on their content and merit
     - Ensure unbiased treatment regardless of authors' gender, race, beliefs, orientation, or citizenship

7. Research Integrity

    - Actively prevent and address misconduct, including:

  • Plagiarism
  • Duplicate submissions
  • Data fabrication or falsification
  • Ghost authorship
  • Citation manipulation

   - Retract or withdraw articles associated with proven misconduct

By adhering to these principles, we aim to foster a trustworthy and ethical publishing environment that serves the scientific community and advances knowledge in our field.


The reviewers should:

1. Expertise and Conflicts of Interest

     - Decline review invitations for manuscripts outside their area of expertise
     - Recuse themselves from reviewing if any conflicts of interest exist

2. Editorial Support

     - Provide informed recommendations to assist editors in making appropriate publication decisions

3. Confidentiality

    - Maintain strict confidentiality of all review materials and information
    - Refrain from sharing or discussing manuscripts under review

4. Timeliness and Objectivity

    - Submit reviews within the agreed timeframe
    - Offer constructive, unbiased feedback on the manuscript's scientific merit and presentation

5. Research Integrity

    - Alert editors to any suspicions of misconduct, including:

  • Plagiarism
  • Data fabrication or falsification
  • Duplicate submission
  • Undisclosed authorship issues
  • Citation manipulation

6. Ethical Use of Information

   - Never use or appropriate ideas, data, or materials from reviewed manuscripts without explicit author permission

7. Constructive Feedback

    - Provide clear, specific comments to help authors improve their work
    - Highlight both strengths and areas for improvement in the manuscript

By fulfilling these responsibilities, reviewers contribute significantly to the advancement of scientific knowledge and the maintenance of high standards in academic publishing.


Author Responsibilities

Authors submitting to the APST journal are expected to uphold the highest standards of research integrity and ethical conduct. These responsibilities include:

1. Research Quality and Originality

     - Submit only original work that has not been published elsewhere
     - Provide sufficient detail to enable replication of the study
     - Use clear, correct, and professional English throughout the manuscript
     - Include appropriate citations to acknowledge previous work and avoid plagiarism

2. Ethical Research Practices

    - Never engage in data fabrication, falsification, or manipulation
    - Avoid plagiarism in all forms, including text and ideas
    - Refrain from citation manipulation or excessive self-citation
    - Ensure all listed authors have made substantial contributions to the work

3. Transparency

    - Disclose any potential conflicts of interest, financial or otherwise
    - Avoid creating artificial conflicts of interest to manipulate the review process

4. Authorship Integrity

    - Provide accurate and complete information for all authors
    - Ensure all listed authors meet authorship criteria and have approved the final manuscript
    - Avoid ghost authorship or guest authorship practices

5. Acknowledgments

    - Properly credit research funding agencies and their grant numbers
    - Acknowledge any individuals or organizations that contributed significantly to the research but do not meet authorship criteria

6. Responsible Communication

    - Respond promptly and professionally to editorial correspondence and reviewer comments
    - Be prepared to provide raw data or additional information if requested during the review process

7. Ethical Approval and Consent

    - Include statements on ethical approval for studies involving human or animal subjects
    - Confirm informed consent was obtained where applicable

By adhering to these principles, authors contribute to the integrity of the scientific record and the advancement of knowledge in their field.


Allegations of Research Misconduct

The Asia-Pacific Journal of Science and Technology (APST) takes a proactive approach to addressing allegations of research misconduct. We recognize the importance of maintaining the highest standards of research integrity and encourage authors, reviewers, readers, and other stakeholders to report any suspected ethical violations to our editorial board. All reports are treated with utmost confidentiality and trigger a prompt, thorough investigation following COPE guidelines. We investigate various forms of potential misconduct, including plagiarism, data fabrication, falsification, duplicate publication, authorship disputes, and undisclosed conflicts of interest. Our process ensures fair evaluation, with all parties given an opportunity to respond to allegations. Depending on the investigation's findings, we may take actions such as requesting corrections or retractions, contacting authors' institutions, or barring authors from future submissions. Throughout this process, we strive to maintain transparency while protecting individual privacy. By rigorously addressing research misconduct, APST aims to preserve the integrity of the scientific record and uphold trust within the research community. If you have any concerns or questions about reporting potential misconduct or our investigation process, please don't hesitate to contact our editorial board.


Ethical Concern Reporting

The Asia-Pacific Journal of Science and Technology (APST) is committed to maintaining the highest ethical standards in scientific publishing. To support this commitment, we have established a dedicated and confidential channel for reporting ethical concerns. We encourage authors, reviewers, readers, and any other stakeholders to bring their concerns or observations related to ethical issues to our attention by contacting the editorial office directly. This open line of communication allows us to address potential problems promptly and effectively. We assure all individuals who come forward that their reports will be treated with the utmost confidentiality and sensitivity. Our editorial team is trained to handle such matters discreetly and will take appropriate actions to investigate and address each concern thoroughly. By fostering an environment where ethical issues can be safely reported and addressed, APST aims to uphold the integrity of scientific research and maintain trust in the publication process.


Ethical guidelines for research projects involving humans or animals

The Asia-Pacific Journal of Science and Technology (APST) upholds strict ethical standards for research involving human subjects or animals. We require authors submitting studies in these sensitive areas to provide comprehensive ethical approval information. This crucial data must be included in a dedicated "Ethics Approval" section within their manuscript. Authors are expected to clearly state the name of the organization that granted ethical approval for their study, along with the specific approval reference number. This requirement serves multiple purposes: it ensures that all research published in APST adheres to established ethical guidelines, protects the rights and welfare of research subjects, and provides transparency to our readers. By mandating this information, we aim to maintain the highest standards of research integrity and reinforce the ethical foundation of scientific inquiry in our publication.