Manuscript Preparation


  Authors must strictly follow Instructions for Authors.  Failures for this recommendation will result in the rejection on desk (manuscript is rejected without review).

Manuscript should be written in American English or British English language. The manuscript should be concise and clear in presentation. References and figures should be cited in only English language. Before submission, the English version should be reviewed and corrected by an English expert before submission. The International System of Units (SI) is used for the metric system.


The manuscript must be submitted in word format size A4 not more than 15 pages for Original article/Research article and review paper including text, tables, figures, and references with top, bottom, left and right margin of 1 inch from the border. It should be typed in only one column and double spacing. Every line should have numeric identification. The pages should be numbered consecutively at the top-right hand corner. Time New Roman, point size 10 should be set consistently in English articles, point size 12 for titles, point size 10 for contents, consistently. For the manuscript anonymized, please remove authors name and affiliations as well as the acknowledgements from the manuscript.

  1. Title page

            1.1 Title should be concise and typed in a bold style, point size 12. Abbreviation should be avoided in the title.

            1.2 Every first letter should be capital letters. Avoid articles in the title (THE, A and AN). No acronyms allowed in the title.

            1.3 All authors full and last name without academic title and rank should be inserted. Middle name should be abbreviated to initial letter accompanied by a full-stop “.”. Join each author’s name by the symbol “,” and the last author with “and”.

             1.4 Every author’s name should have English superscript in order to refer their brief address. In addition, the superscript will include province, country, and postal number.

             1.5 The corresponding author should be marked by “*” at the last letter and provide contact address with the e-mail address in the bottom of left side of first page.


  1. Abstract

            Abstract should be prepared with at least 150 and a maximum 250 words including objectives, methodology, results, and conclusion. Please do NOT use acronyms in abstract when they appear first.


  1. Keywords

           Keywords of at least 4 and a maximum of 11 words should be appeared at the bottom of the abstract. A good keyword should not use conjunction like “and, or”. The term “keyword” should be separated by comma “,”. Avoid keywords that are in the title.  Please use the synonym instead. 


  1. Main content

           4.1 Main content starts second-level headings at the left margin in italics but not boldface.

           4.2 Start second-level headings at the left margin in italics but not boldface.

           4.3 Original article/Research article should consist of the following sessions: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgements (complimentary), Conflict of Interests, and References. Ethical Approval (if any) shall follow the Conclusions section.  Tables and figures with legends should be placed in articles as close as possible to where they are mentioned in the text.  Results and Discussions can be written in one section or separately.

           4.4 Review article should consist of the following sections: Introduction, Text, Summary, Acknowledgements (complimentary), and References.  A review article should provide state-of-the-art information, present an analysis of the knowledge, and identify the gaps for future research.  It must not be only a literature compilation Additionally; Future Perspective and Challenges should be addressed.

            4.5  The figure is not allowed in the Introduction.

            4.6    Avoid acronyms in heading/subheading.

            4.7 Conclusions must not exceed 100 words.

            4.8  Page number and line number should be provided. Line numbers should be continuous from Page 1.


  1. Digital Images and Figures 

            5.1 Image files should be named as a number without space, special alphabets and saved as a TIFF (.tif). Do not save the files from Microsoft Power Point due to low resolution. Moreover, all panels should be in a single file. Line drawings should be of high resolution and high contrast. For color or greyscale photographs (halftones), use a minimum of 300 dpi (.TIFF or .JPG).

             5.2 Image resolution should be presented as follows.

                   5.2.1 Photographic image and line art should be at a minimum of 600 dpi.

                   5.2.2 Only photographic images should be at a minimum of 300 dpi.

                   5.2.3 Only line art should be at a minimum of 1,000 dpi.         

            5.3 Black and white halftone artwork should be saved in the grayscale mode, and color artwork should be saved in the RGB mode to be displayed online. The RGB mode will switch to the CMYK mode for publication creating a slight change of color. Therefore, images and figures should be checked in the CMYK mode. If authors have color images and figures to be adopted, the authors have to pay for the additional cost.

             5.4 Every letter in the images and figures and description below should be written only in English. The term “Figure” should be followed by number typed in a bold style, flushed left. The images and figures should appear preceding their contents. Each page will have only one image and figure with description below.

             5.5 Composite figures should be used A, B, C, etc, to label.

             5.6 Figure legends, the figure title should be located as the first line. The symbols, nomenclature, abbreviations, and units should match used in a figure and text. The figure legends should not be longer than about 200 words. 

             5.7    All data must be statistically analyzed and compared. Provide error bar for all figures.


  1. Tables

            Tables with legends should be placed in articles as close as possible to where they are mentioned in the text. Names of tables and description should be written in only English. Do not upload Excel files for tables. Use the table function of Microsoft Word. Avoid vertical lines and unnecessary horizontal lines. All data must be statistically analyzed and compared. Provide standard deviation for tables.


  1. Formulas

           Formulas should be run by the Equation Editor or Math Type in order to avoid inaccuracy.


  1. Graphs

           Graphs should be labeled on the ordinate and abscissa with scale of parameter. Simple solid or open symbols (▲, ∆, ■, ○) should be represented. Use boxes or heavy lines and avoid screen shading and light lines. The definitions of symbols appear in the figure legend.


  1. Approved database

           The data sets of science, especially biotechnology must be deposited in an approved database (examples in below), any data must be including a specific access address in published paper.

 ñ DNA and protein sequences: GenBank, SWISS-PROT

 ñ Molecular structure data: Protein Data Bank, Macromolecular Structure Database, Electron Microscopy Data Bank, BioMag Res Bank

 ñ Microarray data: ArrayExpress, Gene Expression Omnibus


  1. Results

           Results and discussion can be written in one section or separately.  The research results should be presented clearly and right to the point with accompanying figures and tables. These figures and tables should be referred to in the content. Explanation must not repeat what is already given in the content.


  1. Discussion

           Research discussion is aimed at persuading readers by comparing with other research studies and proposing possible solutions or useful suggestions for solving certain research outcomes, etc. Research results and discussion can be written in one section.


  1. Ethical approval

            If the manuscript contains studies with human participants or animals by any of the authors, please include the name of the granting organization, and the approval reference number. This section shall follow the conclusions section.


  1. Conflicts of interest

           The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.


  1. References

           The maximum number of references shall not exceed 35 articles for Full Length Original Article/Research Article), and 50 articles for Review Article.  Only 3 references from the website are allowed for each manuscript. Do not include any non-English references.

The References should follow the Vancouver style, and only in English. Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list. Use an Arabic number in parenthesis after the referred statement. For example, [1] or [2-4, 8, 10] refers to Author 1 or 2, 3, 4, 8, 10 ordering from 1, 2, the last number which appears in the reference list.  “Unpublished observations” and “personal communications” are not allowed to be referenced.

 Text: Indicate references by number(s) in square brackets in line with the text.

 List: Number the references in the list in the order in which they appear in the text 


Reference to a journal publication:

[1]   Orange J, Green JAJ, Purple J, Orange W, White EB, Black AB, et al. The power of colors and love. J Sci Commun. 2018;163:51–59.

 Reference to a book:

[2]   White Jr W, Orange EB. The elements of colors. 10th ed. Seattle: Longman; 2017.

 Reference to a chapter in an edited book:

[3]   Orange LB. How to make a powerful color. In: White BS, Black RZ, editors. Introduction to the basic of color, New Jersey: E-Publishing Inc; 2009, p. 281–304.

 Reference to a website:

Author/Departmant/Organizer. Title of webpage [Internet]. Place: Publisher; Year [cited date of cited]. Available form: URL.

[4]   Ministy of Agriculture and Coorperatives. The twenty-year agriculture and cooperative strategy 2017-2036 [Internet]. Bangkok: Office of Agricultural Economics; 2017 [cited 2022 Oct 25]. Available from:

Author/Departmant/Organizer. Title of webpage [Internet]. Year [cited date of cited]. Available form: URL.

[5]   Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Step 5. Evaluate land suitability [Internet]. 2022 [cited 2022 Oct 25]. Available from:

 Reference to a dataset:

[6]   White T, Black M, Orange K. Health data for Japanese population, Mendeley Data, v1; 2018. xwj98nb39r.1.


            The authors take responsibility for reference accuracy.

            Journal abbreviations source and journal names should be abbreviated according to Index Medicus journal abbreviations:; List of title word abbreviations:


  1. Suggested Potential Reviewers

            The authors must suggest 5 potential reviewers to review their submitted paper. Only one reviewer from their countries is allowed. Those reviewers should not be, in one way or another, related to some of the authors.  It should be noted that the editor may or may not choose those suggested reviewers.  Please DO NOT put the reviewers list in the manuscript.  The reviewers list can be included in the cover letter.


  1. Cover Letter

            When submit the manuscript, the corresponding author has to submit the cover letter states that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other journal and is not under consideration elsewhere, none of the manuscript's contents has been previously published in any other journal, and the authors are aware of this submission and have no conflict of interest.

            Additionally, the cover letter should include the title of the paper, names of authors and their e-mail (institute) addresses and affiliations and a type of manuscript.  Please make a brief statement about the significance of the work and key findings.  

            If some parts of the manuscript have been published in Proceedings, please include the name of the Conference, Proceedings name, venue and date.

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