A preliminary study of STR profile assessment from bloodstains on clothes imitating real case conditions

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Khemika Lomthaisong
Paweena Chadatong
Kanha Muisuk


The objective of this study was to assess the short tandem repeat (STR) profile of bloodstains on clothes subjected to real environmental conditions. Bloodstains of five individuals were prepared on three different types of clothes (jeans, spandex and cotton) and left outdoor for up to nine weeks. Samples were collected every week for Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) extraction and (STR) profile analysis. The quality of DNA profiles was evaluated from the number of detected allelic peaks. The DNA concentrations of bloodstains were highly variable; spandex (4.78-12.08 ng/µL), jeans (3.78-7.29 ng/µL) and cotton (4.38-14.18 ng/µL). The bloodstains on cotton which had been left for more than 5 weeks tended to give incomplete STR profiles. It is clear that outdoor exposure time had an effect on the loss of detected alleles. Interestingly, bloodstains on cotton tended to lose alleles more than those on jeans and spandex. These results supported that type of clothes also had an effect on STR analysis from bloodstains. From nine weeks of outdoor exposure, bloodstain samples on the three types of clothes had eventually shown less than 50% of the detected alleles.

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How to Cite
Lomthaisong, K., Chadatong, P., & Muisuk, K. (2020). A preliminary study of STR profile assessment from bloodstains on clothes imitating real case conditions. Asia-Pacific Journal of Science and Technology, 25(03), APST–25. https://doi.org/10.14456/apst.2020.23
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