Application of digital image processing for seedling vigor estimation of primed tomato seed
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Digital image processing was used to estimate the seedling vigor of tomato cv. Seeda-50 in lot A and lot B. Comparison was performed between seedling vigor of hydroprimed, osmoprimed seeds, and non-primed seeds (control). The results indicated that the osmoprimed seeds of the two lots had the highest germination, the shortest time to reach 50% germination, and the shortest mean germination time. However, priming had no effect on the growth and vigor of seedlings of lot A, except for leaf greenness and fresh weight of roots, whereas the seedlings of lot B from non-primed seeds showed better growth and vigor than seedlings from primed seeds. Images were taken by 48-megapixel digital camera using sunlight as a light source at a height of 30 cm above the seedling canopy. Digital image processing was performed with the MATLAB-based, image thresholding, and calculated pixels number per plant for all treatments. The correlation coefficients between number of pixels, seedling vigor index, and seed vigor were analyzed. The results show a correlation between the number of pixels and seedling vigor index. The regression equation was then conducted from lot A, where y was seedling vigor index and x was pixels per plant. The equation showed y 41.784 0.003x, R² 0.678. The equation was used to estimate seedling vigor index of lot B. The results indicated a highly significant relationship between seedling vigor index and seedling vigor index simulation, with a correlation coefficient (r = 0.941).
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