Finite element analysis of CFRP-reinforced automotive hood under impact
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This study aimed to explore the crashworthiness characteristics of carbon fiber reinforced plastics (CFRP) composite materials, based on the strength and energy absorption capacity. The specimen was an automotive hood which was tested numerically by using impact tests and finite element modeling simulation. The carbon fiber was reinforced by plastics with different orientations including [0/90]2, [0/90]3, [0/90]4, [45/-45]2, [45/-45]3, and [45/-45]4 which were tested under impact using drop hammer tower testing machine. The results revealed that the maximum load occurred with the [0/90]4 carbon fiber layers. With the [0/90]4 and [45/-45]4 carbon fiber layers, the specimens showed an increase in the mean load. In terms of energy absorption, findings revealed that [45/-45]4 specimen had higher value when the numbers of fibers were increased, whereby the absorbed energy was 1.13 kNm. The results from the impact test were relevant to the results of the finite element modeling simulation which could confirm the results of the impact tests.
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