Effect of solvent types in chitosan-based nanocomposite coating on internal quality and eggshell morphology
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In recent years, the use of bio-friendly nanocomposite coating as egg packaging has vigorously developed considering environmental consequences arising from using synthetic polymers. This study aimed at investigating the effect of solvent types and montmorillonite incorporated in a chitosan-based coating on internal quality and eggshell morphology. Chitosan-based coatings were prepared with different types of solvent (1% acetic acid; CAc, and 1% lactic acid; CLa) and without or with 2% nanoclay (NC). The coatings were applied by immersion of eggs, followed by air-drying, and stored at 25°C for 5 wk. Internal quality parameters including weight loss (WL), Haugh unit (HU), and yolk index (YI) were weekly determined during storage. A Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and a Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectrophotometer were also used to describe the outer surface morphology of eggshells. On day 35, HU and YI values (66.20 and 0.34 respectively) in acetic acid-soluble nano-montmorillonite-coated (CAcNC) eggs were significantly (p<0.05) superior to other treatments. At the same time, the WL was progressively increased in all the groups, but the least WL value (5.35%) was observed in CAcNC-coated eggs. The images by SEM and spectra of FTIR showed that nanocomposite coatings could seal the surface of eggshells to prevent interior chemical changes. In general, the bio-packaging of eggs with acetic acid-soluble chitosan coatings, especially along with nano-montmorillonite, can play a significant role in maintaining the integrity properties of the eggshell, improving the internal quality, and consequently extending the egg's shelf life.
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