Biodegradation of Anthracene by Proteus sp. strain BTE_BCH isolated from oil-spill contaminated soil
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Biodegradation of harmful chemicals is of paramount importance for keeping a clean environment. Anthracene is a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) with a significant pollution potential and health risk. Because of its relative toxicity it has been utilized as a model for PAHs degradation investigations. Endophytic and rhizospheric bacteria can degrade PAHs like anthracene, which is a time/cost-effective method for eco-restoration. Therefore, techniques to eradicate this contaminant from the environment are urgently needed. In this study, the possible degrading ability of anthracene by Proteus sp. Strain, BTE_BCH from Nigeria was assessed using the one-factor-at-a-time (OFAT) technique. Mineral Salt Medium was used to culture the bacterium augmented with anthracene as its only energy and carbon source, at an optimum temperature of 35°C, pH 7.5, inoculum size of 400 µL and 400 mg/L substrate concentration, after 72 h incubation time. In addition, the bacterium can tolerate 2 mg/L Cu, Hg, Fe, Cr, Zn, Cd, Ni, Pb and As. The bacterium was able to degrade 97.5% anthracene after 72 h incubation. This data could be beneficial for optimizing anthracene biodegradation environmental factors; most importantly in the cleanup of anthracene-polluted areas. Furthermore, this study revealed that Proteus sp. strain BTE_BCH might be used to biodegrade anthracene-contaminated soil since it is less expensive, easier, eco-friendly and non-pathogenic.
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