Coating of seasonings in deep-fried banana chips by electrostatic and non-electrostatic coating processes
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Deep-fried banana chips were coated with seasonings, salt, sugar, and mixed paprika flavor. The coating methods employed electrostatic coating (varying the voltages from 30 to 50 kV), in comparison with non-electrostatic coating. Physical properties of the seasoning powders, adhesion, and coating evenness of the powders and the target foods (banana chips) were evaluated. It was found that particle size, z-potential and apparent density values of the seasoning powders varied depending on their types. In general, electrostatic coating enhanced coating performances as evidenced by high adhesion and coating evenness percentages. Coating of banana chips with sugar and mixed paprika flavor, both processes, provided greater adhesion and coating evenness than those of salt coating. Electrostatic voltages affected the adhesion and coating evenness, depending on seasoning types. Electrostatic coating influenced starch digestibility by either increased or retarded the digestion rate, depending on the quantities of seasonings adhered to the target foods.
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