Effect of synthetic nutrient concentrations in medium containing tofu wastewater on Spirulina platensis biomass production
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Microalgae cultivation employing a combination of organic nutrients from tofu wastewater (TW) and synthetic nutrients is an intriguing and potentially lucrative approach for concurrent biomass production and wastewater treatment. The optimization of the synthetic nutrient concentrations in mediums containing TW for Spirulina platensis cultivation was studied to reduce future operating costs on a commercial scale. The microalgae were cultivated in mediums with TW of 6%v/v and various synthetic nutrient concentrations which were 0, 25, 50, 75, and 100% of complete synthetic nutrients (CSN) consisting of NaHCO3 of 1 g/L and urea of 0.05 g/L. The results showed that the optimal biomass production with a high protein content was obtained from a medium with TW of 6%v/v and 75% of CSN, having C/N and N/P ratios of 10.83 and 11.82, respectively. The biomass productivity and specific growth rate of microalgae in the medium were 8.55 mg/L/day and 0.089 day-1 with a doubling time of 7.80 days. The protein content as the main valuable biochemical in the microalgae was 67.38% dry cell weight. In the medium, the shape of S. platensis looked helix without any defects. In conclusion, about 25% of the synthetic nutrient need can be reduced to get the optimal results in biomass and protein production of S. platensis. This study contributes to informing the optimal synthetic nutrient concentration (which is 75% of CSN) in an S. platensis cultivation medium containing TW of 6%v/v, hence it can reduce the operating costs for commercial purposes in the future.
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