Characterisation and molecular interaction studies of beryllium oxide- silicone oil nanofluids through ultrasonic measurements at various temperature
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The synthesis of the Beryllium oxide (BeO) nanoparticles was prepared via chemical precipitation. BeO nanoparticles were characterized by annealing them at 840°C. Its hexagonal shape was perfect. These results were confirmed using fourier transform infrared (FTIR) as well as Raman spectra. Raman as well as FTIR spectra demonstrate the Be-O-Be stretching connection between the beryllium and oxygen atoms. To make BeO nanofluids, the synthesized BeO nanoparticles were sonicated with a silicone oil base fluid. The silicone oil base fluid was infused with BeO using sonication at concentrations of 0.0005%, 0.001%, 0.0015%, 0.002%, 0.0025%, as well as 0.003% by volume. Ultrasonic velocity, viscosity and density were measured for the prepared silocone oil based BeO nanofluids. Silicone oil based BeO Nanofluids have a higher velocity value because of particle-fluid molecule interactions. The relationship between the concentration (ϕ) (0.0005, 0.001, 0.0015, 0.002, 0.0025, 0.003 vol. %) as well as temperature of nanofluids was also studied (313 Boltzmann’s constant (K), 323 K as well as 333 K) using Kininogen Domain (KD2) thermal analyser. Silicone oil-based BeO nanofluid has a thermal conductivity increase of up to 30%, comparatively to the base fluid. As the temperature rises, particle and fluid’s acoustic properties change almost linearly, suggesting weaker intermolecular interactions.
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