A study of land surface temperature in Patna Municipal area during 1990-2022 based on temporal changes in LULC, using satellite data and GIS application

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Avinash Yadav
Ravish Kumar
Anjali Sharma
Kranti K. Maurya


Rapid urbanization has a variety of effects on the urban environment. Impervious concrete surfaces are replacing urban green spaces, forming "Urban Heat Island" (UHI) in which urban areas reach higher temperatures compared to their surrounding regions. Such UHIs have implications on the cost of living and working in a comfortable atmosphere. The purpose of this study is to examine the Land Surface Temperature (LST) in Patna Municipal Corporation (PMC) area during 1990-2022 based on temporal changes in Land Use and Land Cover (LULC) using Remote Sensing and GIS. Landsat satellite data sets have been used to assess the variations in LST, whereas decadal data sets are used to examine the variations in LULC. The study area's LST increased by 6.88°C on average from 1990-2022 mainly due to the high population density and the higher concrete surface. The regression line generated a decisive result, revealing a strong positive correlation between the Normalized Difference Built-up Index (NDBI) and LST as well as a large negative correlation between the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and LST. PMC has seen a significant shift in the last 32 years, with a 47.92% increase in built-up areas and infrastructure projects, and a decline in green spaces by 32.66%. LST changes within urban areas are crucial in determining LST and LULC variations in PMC while studying urban climate and environment.


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How to Cite
Yadav, A., Kumar, R., Sharma, A., & Maurya, K. K. (2024). A study of land surface temperature in Patna Municipal area during 1990-2022 based on temporal changes in LULC, using satellite data and GIS application. Asia-Pacific Journal of Science and Technology, 29(03), APST–29. https://doi.org/10.14456/apst.2024.43
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