Differential activity of vermicompost and plant growth regulators (GA3 and IAA) on yield and growth parameters of Zingiber officinale rosc

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Vasavirama Karri
Nagasi A. Nidumolu
Nirmala Nalluri


Vermicompost produced by earthworm through fragmentation of organic waste, has a fine particulate structure consisting of five, eleven and seven times higher nitrogen, potassium and phosphorous compared to normal soil and acts as an excellent natural fertilizer and soil conditioner for plant’s growth. In this investigation, exo-morphological characteristics and yield of Zingiber officinale were studied comparatively by using 50% of vermicompost and two plant growth hormones namely Indole Acetic Acid & Gibberellic Acid (IAA & GA3). Experiment was performed in pot with 4 separate soil treatments viz: first 50% vermicompost; second GA3 (0.28 mm); third IAA (0.57 mm) and fourth is control (deionized water). During this study, a significant improvement in various parameters of plant growth like shoot length, number of leaves and total dry & wet weight was noticed in plants treated with 50% vermicompost compared to control, GA3 and IAA treated plants.The demonstrated results recommend the possible application of vermicompost as an effective biofertilizer in cultivation of various vegetable crops in an ecofriendly manner. Scope of current study is to improve soil strength for better plant development by supporting utilization of biological or organic additives like vermicastin in place of inorganic fecundators to attain higher yields through sustainable agriculture.

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How to Cite
Karri, V., Nidumolu, N. A., & Nalluri, N. (2023). Differential activity of vermicompost and plant growth regulators (GA3 and IAA) on yield and growth parameters of Zingiber officinale rosc. Asia-Pacific Journal of Science and Technology, 28(02), APST–28. https://doi.org/10.14456/apst.2023.22
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