Effects of polyhydroxy compounds on the properties of starch-protein composites modified by high-pressure processing

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Suwanna Ma
Robert G. Brannan
Wilailuk Chaiyasit


Biopolymer composites based on starch-protein blends are responsible for a variety of food properties. The aim of this research was to study the effects of high pressure processing (HPP) and polyhydroxy compounds on the properties of starch-protein composites as determined by the degree of starch gelatinization (DG), surface hydrophobicity (H0), exposed and total free sulfhydryl (SH) groups, and morphology as they relate to their pasting properties. Tapioca starch (TS) and whey protein isolate (WPI) were chosen to form composites. The impacts of pressure ranging from 300-600 MPa on tapioca starch-whey protein isolate composites (mTS-WPI) with and without polyhydroxy compounds were investigated. Increased pressure up to 500 MPa significantly increased the DG, H0, and exposed free SH groups of the composites, with dramatic increases observed at 600 MPa. HPP also altered the microstructure of the composites, especially at 500 and 600 MPa of HPP. Addition of polyhydroxy compounds decreased the DG, H0, exposed free SH group content of the composites in a concentration and compound type dependent manner. Addition of glucose had more effect on the mTS-WPI than that of fructose and glycerol at the same concentration. Polyhydroxy compounds also had an impact on the pasting properties of the composites, exhibiting higher pasting viscosity and temperature than composites to which no polyhydroxy compounds were added. This research indicates that different types and concentrations of polyhydroxy compounds could be used to stabilize and prevent starch gelatinization and protein denaturation in starch-protein based foods that are treated by HPP.

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How to Cite
Ma, S., Brannan, R. G., & Chaiyasit, W. (2024). Effects of polyhydroxy compounds on the properties of starch-protein composites modified by high-pressure processing. Asia-Pacific Journal of Science and Technology, 29(05), APST–29. https://doi.org/10.14456/apst.2024.80
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