Evaluation of transdermal patches made from Garcinia mangostana Linn. peel extract and natural rubber

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Thanakorn Damsud
Mary Ann Lila


Transdermal drug delivery systems (TDDS) are a popular research focus in pharmaceutical technology and a commonly produced pharmaceutical product worldwide. Utilizing these systems helps mitigate the disadvantages of other administration methods, such oral and parenteral. The aim of this study was to evaluate the properties of transdermal patches containing Garcinia mangostana Linn. peel extract with natural rubber content. Formula 1-4 (F1-4) transdermal patches with natural rubber were produced with hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) and low protein rubber (LPR). The patches were examined to evaluate physicochemical properties and drug release characteristics. The casting evaporation method was utilized to produce transdermal patches that are smooth, dry, and white in color. pH values ranged between 5.8-6.2, and tensile strength values were 2.35 – 3.75 N/mm. The patches exhibited a thickness range of 0.47-0.55 mm. The weight values ​​were in the range of 2.2-2.5g. and percent moisture and protein content ranged between 4.01-6.74 and 1.32-3.25 respectively. F-2 patches exhibited the highest drug entrapment capacity (71.02 %) and release efficiency (26.96% over 360 minutes). Therefore, the findings of the study suggest that F-2 patches can be developed as commercial alternative pharmaceutical products.

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How to Cite
Damsud, T., & Lila, M. A. (2024). Evaluation of transdermal patches made from Garcinia mangostana Linn. peel extract and natural rubber. Asia-Pacific Journal of Science and Technology, 29(05), APST–29. https://doi.org/10.14456/apst.2024.81
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