Mindfulness-based deep transverse friction on pain and anxiety in patients with tennis elbow: A preliminary study
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Tennis elbow is lateral tendinosis with angiofibroblastic hyperplasia. It may cause psychological factors and anxiety. Nowadays, mindfulness is a cognitive-behavioral intervention that induces present-moment awareness of body sensations and reduces pain and anxiety. This study aimed to investigate the immediate effect of mindfulness deep transverse friction on pain and anxiety in tennis elbow patients. A comparative randomized study with a blinded assessor in University primary care unit. Eight females per group, aged 25-45 years who have meditation experience were conducted physical examination with pain in the lateral epicondyle and positive pain in wrist extension against resisted movements related to forceful activities. The experimental group (EG) was treated with mindfulness deep transverse friction (MDTF) which combined conventional deep transverse friction (DTF) to common extensor insertion with mindful attention on breathing in and out of nostrils by themselves. The control group (CG) was treated with conventional DTF. The Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) and Strait-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) questionnaire were measured pre and post treatment. Intergroup comparison showed that EG was significant on pain to the median (range) 30.00 (24.00 - 52.00) and p-value (0.003) and anxiety 38.5 (34.00 - 42.00) and p-value (0.007) respectively. In intragroup comparison, EG was significant on VAS (p=0.012) and anxiety (p=0.011). However, there was no difference between pain and anxiety in CG. MDTF is beneficial to therapeutic approach when compared to friction. Even brief, guided meditation can support the effective relief of anxiety related to self-awareness in tennis elbow patients.
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