The acute effects of Suryanamaskar yoga and dynamic stretching on anaerobic performance of amateur cyclists
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the acute effects of dynamic stretching (DS) and Suryanamaskar yoga (SK) on peak power output, mean power output, fatigue index (FI) and cycling speed revolution per minute (RPM) of amateur cyclists. Sixty participants were screened and randomly assigned into one of two groups, DS and SK. The participants in both groups performed baseline and a post –warm up standard 30-sec Wingate Maximum capacity test. The Wingate Maximum capacity test was tested at baseline and immediately after the intervention. According to the findings of this study, a within group DS comparison after the intervention demonstrated a significant improvement in all anaerobic performance parameters (p < 0.05). Only the FI showed a slightly higher average value when compared to baseline. The SK group improved significantly in Peak power output (PPO), Relative peak power output (RPO), and Total RPM when compared to the pretest baseline data (p<0.05). However, when all anaerobic performance parameters were compared immediately after intervention, there was no statistically significant difference between the two approaches. We conclude that, in amateur cyclists, warming up with either DS or SK has immediate benefits that result in higher anaerobic performance. As a result, cyclists may consider using the DS or SK as a warm-up mode before a short cycling race.
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