National yield reference for sugarcane management: Thailand case study

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Piyapong Wongkhunkaew
Supasit Konyai
Vichai Sriboonlue


In this study, a tool is proposed to assist small-scale sugarcane farmers in Thailand in justifying their field management practices. The tool is a master chart derived from the relationship between annual average rainfall and national sugarcane yield and consists of three curves: the mean, the upper bound, and the lower bound. The chart allows farmers to assess the condition of their fields by plotting the coordinates of annual rainfall and yield to observe the position in relation to the three curves. The ratio of actual yield to the upper bound yield also helps in the justification process. This proposed method offers an alternative to the traditional yield gap technique, which is difficult to obtain, unreliable, and not standardized for the whole country. The relationship equation of the annual rainfall and detrended yield has been formulated from the hypothesis that their derivative follows an exponential decay. After obtaining the trend (mean), the upper and lower bounds can be derived for the 95th and 5th percentiles, respectively. The master chart, along with the yield-ratio concept, has been tested against three field observations and four field experiments.

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How to Cite
Wongkhunkaew, P., Konyai, S., & Sriboonlue, V. (2024). National yield reference for sugarcane management: Thailand case study. Asia-Pacific Journal of Science and Technology, 29(05), APST–29.
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