Short-term impact of mini-marathon running on alteration of blood lipoproteins

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Anupharb Seesangboon
Krit Srirungrangchai
Kayyasit Ritmoon
Natthawee Sriket
Phudis Sriket
Leena Tongmak
Kreangkrai Narktawan
Apiwat Jamderm
Harit Hattha
Anittaya Kanghae


Individuals are increasingly aware of their health and often engage in various exercises to improve it. Mini-marathon running has become particularly popular due to its minimal equipment needs and its benefits for both physical and mental well-being. Lipoproteins, different forms of adipose tissue, are crucial indicators of general health. However, studies on how mini-marathon running affects lipoprotein levels are limited. Therefore, this study involved ten healthy volunteers who participated in a mini-marathon to investigate potential changes in their lipoprotein levels. Blood samples were collected before and after the test to measure any changes. The results indicated that participating in a single mini-marathon significantly reduced weight, body fat percentage, body mass, cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL), and low-density lipoproteins (LDL) levels (Z= -1.972, -2.002, -2.275,
-3.05, -2.468, -2.200 with p-values of 0.049, 0.045, 0.023, 0.002, 0.014, and 0.028, respectively). However, the effects on lipoprotein patterns varied among individuals, likely due to the unique physiological responses triggered by the run. Consequently, the researchers recommend further studies to explore the long-term effects of physical activity on lipoprotein fluctuations.

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How to Cite
Seesangboon, A., Srirungrangchai, K., Ritmoon, K., Sriket, N., Sriket, P., Tongmak, L., Narktawan, K., Jamderm, A., Hattha, H., & Kanghae, A. (2024). Short-term impact of mini-marathon running on alteration of blood lipoproteins . Asia-Pacific Journal of Science and Technology, 29(05), APST–29.
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