Quantitative phase analysis of electron beam weldments of copper and stainless steel 304 using XRD and SEM-EDX

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Ajith R. Rajendran
Santhiyagu J. Vijay
Dev A. Manoharan
Kuzhanthai A. S. Lewise
Rimal Isaac


Electron beam welding is performed to join Copper and Stainless steel 304 dissimilar metals for Aerospace applications which demand high-quality defect-free welds. This is a complex process as both the metals possess different material properties. During melting both metals melt and a transition region is formed where both the copper and stainless steel crystals merge together and form weldment. Since both materials possess different properties there are chances for defects or lattice distortion in the interference region. Therefore, the formation of the sigma phase in the weldment is an area of research for material researchers to analyse the crystal structure. In this paper, a quantitative phase analysis is carried out using X-Ray diffraction in the weldment and the crystallographic structure of the weldment grains is found and the behaviour of weldment is analysed towards weld quality.

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How to Cite
Rajendran, A. R., Vijay, S. J., Manoharan, D. A., Lewise, K. A. S., & Isaac, R. (2024). Quantitative phase analysis of electron beam weldments of copper and stainless steel 304 using XRD and SEM-EDX. Asia-Pacific Journal of Science and Technology, 29(05), APST–29. https://doi.org/10.14456/apst.2024.77
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