Growth promotion of maize by the use of salt-tolerant phosphate solubilizing bacteria coupled with tailor-made chemical fertilizer
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The study aims to examine the effects of Bacillus megaterium A12ag, a salt-tolerant phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB), on maize germination and growth under various levels of electrical conductivity (EC). At an EC of 3 ds/m, seeds inoculated with the bacterium increased the germination percentage, root and shoot dry weight, and root and shoot length by 8.1, 9, 6, 23, and 21%, respectively, compared to the uninoculated control. The effects of the salt-tolerant PSB coupled with tailor-made fertilizer (TMF) on maize growth, including shoot height, root length, leaf greenness, leaf number/plant, and shoot and root dry weight in pot experiments, were also assessed. The experiments consisted of six treatments: 1) uninoculated (C), 2) inoculated with the salt-tolerant PSB (B), 3) inoculated with the salt-tolerant PSB coupled with tailor-made chemical fertilizer (B+TMF), 4) inoculated with the salt-tolerant PSB coupled with chemical fertilizer at the typical rate applied by the local agriculturists (B+AF), 5) applied only tailor-made chemical fertilizer, TMF, and 6) applied only chemical fertilizer at the typical rate applied by the local agriculturists (AF). SimCorn software was employed to formulate the TMF. The software recommended using the 81 kg N/ha, 23 kg P/ha, and 69 kg K/ha. The B+TMF showed the highest performance in promoting maize growth, while there was no significant difference between the growth of maize with AF and TMF. This study highlights potential strategies of using the salt-tolerant PSB coupled with tailor-made chemical fertilizer to concurrently reduce the application of chemical fertilizers while promoting plant growth.
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