The relationship between soil fertility, phosphorus uptake, and crop yields of paddy (Oryza sativa l.) under different farming systems of rice field
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This study aims to determine the influence of the differences in rice field farming systems on soil fertility index (SFI), phosphorus uptake, and crop yields of paddy, as well as provide appropriate and sustainable land management to ensure crop yields. To achieve these objectives, a descriptive-exploratory method through a survey conducted with purposive sampling in Girimarto District, Wonogiri Regency, Indonesia, was adopted. The sampling points were determined on a working map consisting of 6 land map unit (LMU), with 4 points per LMU. Parameters observed included C-microbial biomass, earthworm population, soil pH, N-total, P-available, K-available, P-total, Organic-C, soil oxidation-reduction, Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC), and Base Saturation (BS). Soil and plant sampling was conducted during the maximum vegetative phase. SFI was determined through Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and data scoring. Furthermore, data were analyzed using One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), DMRT, and Pearson’s correlation test. The results showed that organic farming system had a higher SFI (0.78) and P plant uptake (2.21%) compared to semi-organic and conventional methods. Soil management options suitable for the prevailing conditions include adding compost into non-organic system, maintaining organic rice field management, expanding organic cultivation area, and adding biofertilizers.
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