Biogas production from hydrolysate napier grass by co-digestion with slaughterhouse wastewater using anaerobic mixed cultures

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Sureewan Sittijunda


Biogas production from co-digestion of hydrolyzed napier grass and slaughterhouse wastewater using anaerobic mixed cultures was conducted. Factors influencing methane production was investigated, i.e., initial pH (6, 7, 8) and carbon-nitrogen (C/N) ratio. Optimum conditions were initial pH of 7 and C/N ratio of 3.42. Under these conditions, a methane production (MP), methane production rate (MPR) and methane yield (MY) of 299.69 ml CH4/L, 0.52 ml CH4/L h, and 39.76 ml CH4/g-COD were obtained. Using the optimal conditions, MP, MPR and MY from co-digestion of hydrolyzed napier grass and slaughterhouse wastewater (299.69 ml CH4/L, 0.52 ml CH4/L h and 39.76 ml CH4/g-COD) were 1.82, 1.79 and 2.11 times greater than that of controls (without inoculum addition or self fermentation) (164.63 mL-CH4/L, 0.29 mL-CH4/L h and 18.76 ml CH4/g-COD). The energy production from co-digestion of hydrolyzed napier grass and slaughterhouse wastewater was 11.99 kJ/L.

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How to Cite
Sittijunda, S. (2015). Biogas production from hydrolysate napier grass by co-digestion with slaughterhouse wastewater using anaerobic mixed cultures. Asia-Pacific Journal of Science and Technology, 20(3), 323–336. retrieved from
Research Articles


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