Repetitive dilute acid hydrolysis of sugarcane bagasse for ethanol production by Candida shehatae TISTR 5843

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Prawphan Yuvadetkun
Buasai Ackachat
Mallika Boonmee


        This article reported the conditions for hydrolyzing hemicellulosic fraction of sugarcane bagasse into sugars using dilute acid and heat treatment. It also included the use of the hydrolyzate for ethanol production by Candida shehatae TISTR 5843. When hydrolyzing the hemicellulosic fraction with dilute acid at 140 and 170 ?C, the highest total sugar concentration obtained when using 2% H2SO4 and 3 repeats of hydrolysis. For 90 min at 140 ?C and 45 min at 170 ?C, the pooled amount of total sugar obtained after 3 repetitive hydrolysis were 351?101 mg/g and 171?62 mg/g respectively. When using the hydrolyzate that was treated with calcium carbonate as substrate for the cultivation of C. shehatae TISTR 5843, ethanol concentration, ethanol yield and ethanol productivity were 1.61 g/L, 0.20 g/g and 0.013 g/L.h respectively.

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How to Cite
Yuvadetkun, P., Ackachat, B., & Boonmee, M. (2017). Repetitive dilute acid hydrolysis of sugarcane bagasse for ethanol production by Candida shehatae TISTR 5843. Asia-Pacific Journal of Science and Technology, 18(1), 112–121. retrieved from
Research Articles


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