Application of metal-organic frameworks for carbon dioxide capture

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Apipong Putkham


       Carbon dioxide, also known as green house gas, has a potential to cause the global warming and also climate change. Results from many researchers indicated that the earth’s surface temperature has increased about 0.6 ? C during AD 1950-2000. These changes may have a widely negative effect on ecological system and human activities all over the world. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) suggested that carbon dioxide capture from post combustion process could be applied for reducing green house gas emissions. Amine absorption is a commercially available technology which is widely used for carbon dioxide separation in petrochemical process. However, two mains compromising of amine absorption are high operating cost and corrosion problem. Recently, Metal organic frameworks (MOFs) have attracted much attention from the researchers due to their unique adsorption/desorption properties, such as functional pores leads to high isosteric heat of adsorption. Furthermore, some MOFs exhibited higher surface area than other porous materials. This review described some basic characteristics of MOFs and further reviewed on their carbon dioxide adsorption capacity from both single and mixture components. Two mains carbon dioxide adsorption/separation mechanisms also commented.

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How to Cite
Putkham, A. (2017). Application of metal-organic frameworks for carbon dioxide capture. Asia-Pacific Journal of Science and Technology, 18(1), 171–184. retrieved from
Research Articles


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