The effective selection model for the process of test case selection

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Adtha Lawanna


This article presents the effective selection model for choosing the small numbers of test cases, relying on the concept of software testing. Currently, the traditional models that are the random and regression test selection are being used in the process of software testing. These models can create the test suite that contains the set of test cases. The test cases are used to fix bugs before deploying the new software version to the users. The main problem is the size of test cases. This can increase programming times, including in the new software may produce any error, which can fail the entire software system. Therefore, this paper offers the alternative techniques to improve the ability of design test suite and select the small numbers of test cases, while avoiding the fault is also considered. The algorithm of determining function modified, lines of code changes are created. Moreover, the algorithm of finding test suite and test cases are explained in details. For instance, numbers of the selected test case in tcas program by using random, regression selection and the proposed model are 266, 208, and 184 respectively. According to this, the proposed model gives the smallest size of a test suite compared with the traditional model.

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How to Cite
Lawanna, A. (2017). The effective selection model for the process of test case selection. Asia-Pacific Journal of Science and Technology, 18(5), 739–748. retrieved from
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