The importance of organizational support for the management of health projects by the chiefs of health centers At Chaiyaphum province.

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Puttachai Malai
Prachak Bouphan


This study was a cross-sectional descriptive research. Its objective was to investigate demographic characteristics and effects of supports from the upper organizations on health program management of the chiefs of health centers located in Chaiyaphum province. The population of this study was chiefs of 16 health centers in Chaiyaphum province, for the total of 167 persons. Sample size was calculated from Cohenû multiple regression calculation and 100 subjects were drawn by systematic random sampling. The research tool included the developed quantitative questionnaire and in-depth qualitative interview form. The validity of the content was approved by 3 experts and tried out in 30 sample subjects residing in Khon Kaen province. The coefficient of the developed questionnaire was measured for validity by Cronbachûs Alpha and gained 0.96. The data were collected by the questionnaire from 100 subjects and by in-dept interview of 9 subjects, who had outstanding performance in the management and were eligible to provide information about the health program of the chiefs of health centers. Data collection was carried out during November 15 - December 30, 2009. Hundred questionnaires were responded. And, the data were analyzed by a computer package program and statistically expressed by percentage, means, standard deviation, median, minimal value, maximal value, and Pearsonûs coefficient of correlation. Multiple regression analysis was conducted. According to the study, the majority of the subjects (54.0%) were female. They were between 41-50 years old (52.0%). Their average age was 46.0 years (S.D. = 6.23), in which the youngest subject was 33 years old, while the oldest one was 59 years old. Most of the subjects (85.0%) were married. They completed bachelorûs degree or equivalent (86.0%). The average income was 20,001 - 30,000 baht (66.0%). The service term as chief of a health station varied from 1-10 years (49.0%) with an average of 11.67 years (S.D. = 5.76). The shortest term of being the chief was one year, while the longest term was 38 years. It was found from the study that the level of effect of support from the organizations was high, accounting for 3.66 (S.D. = 0.42). The performance of the health program management was leveled high, accounting for 3.97 (S.D. = 0.47). The supports from the organizations had positive effect on health program management at moderate level with statistical significance of 0.05 (r = 0.684, p-value < 0.001). Moreover, the co-variables that could predict health program management included information and budget with statistical significance of 0.05. The percentage of these factors that could somehow predict performance of health program management of the subjects was 56.5%. However, problems and obstacles found in the management involved personnel supports from the organizations.

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How to Cite
Malai, P., & Bouphan, P. (2017). The importance of organizational support for the management of health projects by the chiefs of health centers At Chaiyaphum province. Asia-Pacific Journal of Science and Technology, 15(6), 475–486. retrieved from
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