Prediction equations for losses of axial flow rice combine harvester when harvesting Chainat 1 rice variety

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Prapagon sangwijit
Winit Chinsuwan


The objective of this study was to predict the losses of combine harvester when harvesting Chainat 1 rice variety. The results of the study indicated that grain moisture content (MC), cutter bar speed (V), reel index (RI), stem length (H), product of MC and V (MC*V), product of V and RI (V*RI), V2 , RI2 , louver inclination (LI) and product of MC and LI (MC*LI) were the major parameters affecting the harvest losses. The prediction equations had R2 of 0.93. The average losses given by the estimation equation was 0.57 % different from the measurement. The predicted losses errors were 8.47 % and 0.51 % for average percentage error and standard error respectively.

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How to Cite
sangwijit, P., & Chinsuwan, W. (2017). Prediction equations for losses of axial flow rice combine harvester when harvesting Chainat 1 rice variety. Asia-Pacific Journal of Science and Technology, 15(6), 496–504. retrieved from
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