Development of the decision support tool for analyzing black spot locations in road network using geographic information system: Khon Kaen University case study (Thai)

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Theerachai Khompratya
Pongrid Klungboonkrong


The purpose of this research is to develop a decision support tool for analyzing black spot locations in Khon Kaen University road network using a geographic information system. The decision support tool was developed to analyze black spot locations on main roads in KKU using ArcView GIS program. Traffic accident data were connected to road network data in the developed database. To identify a black spot, a user can select traffic accident indices to identify hazardous locations by three methods; Accident Frequency Method, Accident Rate Method and Accident Severity Method. The tool enables users to analyze preliminary statistical data and then prioritize black spots to propose appropriate remedial treatments to the addressed black spots, based on engineering principles and data derived from the developed decision support tool.

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How to Cite
Khompratya, T., & Klungboonkrong, P. (2017). Development of the decision support tool for analyzing black spot locations in road network using geographic information system: Khon Kaen University case study (Thai). Asia-Pacific Journal of Science and Technology, 14(2), 181–191. retrieved from
Research Articles

