Develop and validate of estimation equation for threshing system losses in axial flow rice combine harvesters.(Thai)
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The objective of this study was to develop and validate the estimation equation for threshing system
losses in axial flow rice combine harvesters for Chainat 1 rice variety. Operating and threshing system losses
data from 15 brands of axial flow rice combine harvesters led to development of the estimation equation by the
regression method. The results indicate that the estimation equation had R2= 0.88. The average deviation of
the threshing system losses given by the estimation equation was 0.88% from the measurement. The predicted
threshing system loss errors were 14.82% and 0.95% for prediction error and standard error of prediction
losses in axial flow rice combine harvesters for Chainat 1 rice variety. Operating and threshing system losses
data from 15 brands of axial flow rice combine harvesters led to development of the estimation equation by the
regression method. The results indicate that the estimation equation had R2= 0.88. The average deviation of
the threshing system losses given by the estimation equation was 0.88% from the measurement. The predicted
threshing system loss errors were 14.82% and 0.95% for prediction error and standard error of prediction
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How to Cite
Chuan-udom, S., & Chinsuwan, W. (2017). Develop and validate of estimation equation for threshing system losses in axial flow rice combine harvesters.(Thai). Asia-Pacific Journal of Science and Technology, 13(2), 251–260. retrieved from
Research Articles