Mycelium growth characteristics of shelf fungi on different synthetic media (Thai)

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Nipaporn Armussa
Niwat Sanoamuang


submerged conditions in order to investigate their growth characteristics and mycelium production. The solid media in this experiment were rice brand dextrose malt peptone agar (RbDMPA), cassava dextrose malt peptone agar (CDMPA), sweet potato dextrose malt peptone agar (SpDMPA), potato dextrose malt peptone agar (PMPA) and potato dextrose agar (PDA). All cultures were grown on solid media at room temperature (28+2o C) and their colony diameters were measured at 24 hour intervals up to 96 hours. The growth patterns were significantly different (p<0.001) on RbDMPA, CDMPA, SpDMPA, PMPA and PDA and the average colony diameters were 47.5+18.1, 47.0+16.3, 46.1+18.2, 44.6+19.0 and 44.8+19.9 mm, respectively. Mycelium growth was clearly thicker on RbDMPA and PMPA compared to the others so that the two media were selected for further investigation. All fungal species were cultured in submerged conditions in these two selected media and they were shaken on a rotary shaker for 15 days at room temperature. Dry mycelium of each species was weighted and the average bio-mass seen to be significantly different (p<0.001) between the two media. The average bio-mass values on RbDMPB and PMPB were 6.36+5.56 and 2.73+1.77 g/l., respectively. Applications are discussed.

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How to Cite
Armussa, N., & Sanoamuang, N. (2017). Mycelium growth characteristics of shelf fungi on different synthetic media (Thai). Asia-Pacific Journal of Science and Technology, 10(4), 311–321. retrieved from
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