Socialization of democracy in families, Khon Kaen province(Thai)

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Somsak Srisontisuk
Viyouth Chamruspath
Nutthapong Doungmontree


The objectives of this research were to study (1) Socialization of democracy in families and that of children observed by parents; and (2) factors influencing such socialization. The unit used in analysis was the family through interview schedules for data collection with parents in 1,000 families in Muang, Kranuan, Nong Ruea, Mancha Khiri and Si Chomphu Districts, KhonKaen Province. Data analysis was by the SPSS for Windows program. The statistics used were precentage, mean, standard deviation, chi-squared and Pearson's correlation coefficient, while the analysis of factors influencing such socialization was by Stepwise Multiple Regression Analysis. The results of the study on framing features showed that most families were isolated employed in farming and government service with low income of 120,000 baht/year. On family relationship, most were found to raise children with parents' authority over decision making. On the family's political culture, most were found to have parents' with democratic personalities at the moderate level with regular political participation and high awareness of information via mass media. On socialization of democratic personality in families, most were observed at high level, while children's democratic personality observed by parents was moderate. About factors influencing such socialization through Stepwise Multiple Regression Analysis, they were found at the 0.05 level of significance concerning family members' relationships, getting information via mass media, use of reason by parents when raising children, family's political participation, family's income, parents' control in raising children and parents' democratic personality. All these independent variables could help explain the variation of socialization of democratic personality at 23.9 percent.

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How to Cite
Srisontisuk, S., Chamruspath, V., & Doungmontree, N. (2017). Socialization of democracy in families, Khon Kaen province(Thai). Asia-Pacific Journal of Science and Technology, 10(4), 359–369. retrieved from
Research Articles

