The development of a training package on relief for flood victims for village health volunteers (Thai)

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Sakda Tuilar
Sunthon Kohtbantau
Uthai Chankong


The purposes of this research were to develop a Training Package on Relief for Flood Victims for Village Health Volunteers with efficiency criterion of 80/80, to compare knowledge, attitudes and performance before and after training through the training package, and to compare knowledge, attitudes and performance between the experimental group and the control group. The sample consisted of 180 Village health volunteers from Phetchabun Province obtained by Multi-Stage Random Sampling and assigned to the experimental group and the control group with 90 in each. The instrument used for this research included the Training Package on Relief for Flood Victims for Village Health Volunteers including 8 lesson plans. Each lesson plan had the steps for training in accordance with the SAKDA Model. The research design consisted of a randomized pretest – posttest control group design. Results were analyzed using percentage, mean, standard deviation and F-test (MANOVA). The research results reveal that:1)The Training Package had efficiency of 86.87/84.80; 2) The experimental group had knowledge, attitudes and performance after training higher than before training with statistical significance at the .01 level; 3) The experi-mental group had knowledge, attitudes and performance after training higher than the control group with statistical significance at the .01 level.

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How to Cite
Tuilar, S., Kohtbantau, S., & Chankong, U. (2017). The development of a training package on relief for flood victims for village health volunteers (Thai). Asia-Pacific Journal of Science and Technology, 15(11), 1076–1087. retrieved from
Research Articles

