A Study on the Acquisition of Chinese Existential Sentences in Students of Rangsit University in Thailand

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ซือหย่วน เฉา
กัญจน์นิตา สุเชาว์อินทร์


Existential sentences are a very distinctive type of sentence in Chinese. They have a very unique syntactic format. The academic community has long been concerned with the syntactic, semantic and pragmatic features of the existing sentences, and there appeared few research results of the acquisition of surviving sentences of Thai native speakers. We took the second and third years undergraduate students of the Chinese Department of Rangsit University in Thailand as the research sample group, and designed three tests to test the situation of learning existential sentences, took the situation of Chinese native speakers to learn the existing sentences as a comparison. It is found that students' overall acquisition is poor, and they are seriously influenced by the mother tongue. The unmarked verbs and structures are easy to learn, and the verbs or structures with higher degree of markup need a further study to get better results for Thai native speakers.

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