Semantic Categorization of Tai Lue Native Vegetable Names

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อุมาภรณ์ สังขมาน


This study focuses on the semantic components of native vegetable names in Tai Lue by adopting two concepts in the cognitive semantic approach, namely meaning and category, for the analysis. The data were collected from 10 Tai Lue people in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province of the People’s Republic of China through observation, interview and questionnaires.

        The results have revealed that 56 names of Tai Lue native vegetables. Based on the componential analysis, the meanings of the names were found in only seven dimensions of contrast, including [color], [size], [shape], [taste] [race] [location] and [specific characteristic]. Apart from the meaning, these names were also categorized into three levels; generic names, subcategories and specific names as others ethnic languages in the Tai language family.

        In conclusion, the present study has shown the world view of Tai lue people about vegetable as food. It can also be inferred the semantic categorization of Tai Lue native vegetable names in Yunnan is simple because most of them are generic names. Moreover, the economic and social change may have caused many Tai Lue people not to know the names of their native vegetables, but also gradually not to consume them.


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