A Comparative Analysis of Thai and Chinese “HEART” Metaphor Based on Conceptual Integration Theory
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Conceptual Integration Theory, as a new theory in the field of cognitive linguistics, provides an enlightening way of thinking for human understanding of its cognitive mechanism from the perspective of mental space and conceptual integration. Such theory of conceptual blending is not only a basic dynamic cognitive construction process of human beings, but also an important cognitive way for human beings to understand the world and form innovative thinking, especially emphasize the viewpoint of the emergent meaning in the conceptual blending process. In conceptual integration, elements and vital relations from diverse scenarios are blended in a subconscious process, which is assumed to be ubiquitous in everyday thought and language. Metaphorical meanings of the word “heart” in the Thai and Chinese languages were analyzed by conceptual integration. Results were that similarities and differences existed. In both languages, “heart” was seen as the center of people’s being, thinking, emotion, personality and soul. “Heart” is at the center of the body, playing a vital role in the operation of life. Moreover, in Thai and Chinese, the word also underwent a metaphorical extension from bodily organ to spatial position and importance. Thai and Chinese people share commonalities in human physiological structure. They experience and understand the outside world through embodied cognition. Since people of different nationalities and cultures have different cognitive approaches, inconsistencies remain. Metaphorical concepts of “heart shape” and “middle part of the object” in Chinese was not found in Thai. In Thai, “heart” can allude to time. In this way, a conceptual integration network, a dynamic blended process through cross-space mapping of counterpart connection combined with background knowledge from multi-dimensional perspectives, is established.
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