Principles and Precautions in Translating Chinese to Thai Language andThai to Chinese Language

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Kanokporn Numtong
Siriwan Likhidcharoentham


The translation is a basic thing that every foreign language learner must encounter, whether to translate foreign languages ​​into mother tongue or to translate mother tongue into foreign languages. Since each language is unique, and has different characteristics, causing translators sometimes encounter difficulties in translation. In this article, the author presents 10 interesting points of the principles and precautions in translating Chinese Language to Thai and Thai Language to Chinese, including

  1. A word has many meanings and many functions. It is necessary to know clearly what the meaning of the sentence is and what its function is. Then think of the word that is appropriate for both meaning and language level.

  2. Even the words in Thai and Chinese language have overlapping meanings, but the word meaning width is not equal; therefore, the translator must be careful when choosing the word in translation.

  3. Words that are proper nouns must be translated in accord with the existing practices and tradition. If need to create the new words, In case of translation from Chinese into Thai language, the right font must be chosen. And, when translating from Thai into Chinese language, word choosing and transcribing are particularly concerned.

  4. Words that are animal or plant names, those always have to be searched for scientific names for translation.

  5. The order and the familiarity of date, month, year, and address must be adjusted to match with nature and characteristics of the destination language.

  6. Numbers and classifiers must be adjusted to match the familiarity and characteristics of the destination language.

  7. Translation of idioms, proverbs, and aphorisms into plain language, or into destination language’s idioms must be careful with the differences in meaning and tone of the speeches.

  8. Learn how to cut, add, and adjust the text to suit the way of expression in the destination language.

  9. Arrange sentences according to the structure of the destination language or according to popularity in the destination language.

  10. In case that the order of the original text is difficult to understand, the translator is able to arrange the sequence as

       Due to the variety of translation content; therefore, it is important to study the principles and precautions of translation, because it will make the translator able to apply the principles to improve their translation skills. In addition, the principles must be considered, adjusted, brought in use by appropriate situations.

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