The Comparative Analysis of Chinese and Thai Order of Modifiers

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Namonrut Yamwong


In Chinese language teaching, Thai students have many problems about the Chinese word order of modifiers, because the Chinese word order is not the same as the word order of Thai language. Therefore, the researcher is interested in studying the position of these modifiers. This research ‘s objectives are to comparatively analyze the word order of 定语 (Attributive)  状语 (Adverbial)  and 补语 (Complement) in Chinese and Thai, in order to be useful to students in learning Chinese grammar about word order of modifiers.

       This research found out that: in terms of the positions of multiple attributives, the positions of multiple attributives in Chinese are: (1) collar  nouns, pronouns; (2) time words and place words; (3) quantitative/ specific pronoun-phrases classifier (the descriptive attributive words are followed); (4) subject-predicate phrases, verbs (phrases), prepositional phrases; (5) quantitative-phrases classifier (previously restricted attributives); (6) adjectives (phrases) and other descriptive words; (7) adjectives without "de" and descriptions  noun . However, the positions of multiple attributives in Thai are: (1) nouns that indicate collar attributes; (2) adjectives (phrases); (3) subject-verb phrases, verbs (phrases); (4) quantitative/specific pronoun- phrases classifier; (5) time words and place words; (6) pronouns.

       In terms of the position of multiple adverbials, the positions of multiple Chinese adverbials are: (1) adverbial for time; (2) adverbial for mood; (3) adverbial for describing actors; (4) purpose, basis, and concern cooperative adverbials; (5) adverbials expressing direction and direction; (6) adverbials indicating objects; (7) adverbials describing actions. However, the positions of multiple adverbials in Thai are: (1) adverbials describing actions; (2) adverbials indicating objects; (3) adverbials indicating places and directions; (4) indicating purpose and basis, related, and cooperative adverbials; (5) adverbials describing actors; (6) adverbials expressing mood; (7) adverbials expressing time.

       As for the position of the complement, when the sentence has no object, the position of the Chinese-Thai complement is the same, that is, the complement is placed after the verb or adjective. When the sentence has an object, the position of the Chinese-Thai complement is different, for example: Chinese result complement, the object is placed after the result complement, but Thai result complement, the object can be placed in two positions, before the result complement or placed after the complement, etc.


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