An Adaptation of a Chinese School Supported by Mainland China in a Yunnanese Village in the Northern Thailand A Case of Jiaolian High School at Arunothai Village, Chiang Dao District, Chiang Mai Province.

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Sosing Methatarnkul
Chatkrit Ruenjitt


The objectives of this research is to investigate adaptations of Jiaolian High School, which is supported by Mainland China, in a Arunothai Village, a Yunnaese Village in the Northern Thailand, and to study the soft power of China through educational and cultural support to a Chinese School in the Northern Thailand. Qualitative research methods were mainly applied in this research, including a field observation, questionnaires and deep interviews. The research results are, there are 5 adaptation methods operated in Jiaolian High School to be acceptable among villagers: (1) Seeking for allies form Mainland China to develop the school, attracting students form inside and outside the village; (2) Emphasized an active development by school advertised in order to reach the target group; (3) Emphasizing on studying and benchmarking operating result with other educational institutes to be different; (4) Develop the objective-based curriculum and teaching to attract people to see an concrete improvement and; (5) Compensate the community to enable people to understand and approve the school. The following results of the adaptation methods are presented in this paper.

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