Comparative Study of Right to Life and Bodily integrity of Female Under the Lan Na and Chinese Law During the 14th – 17th Centuries การเปรียบเทียบสิทธิส่วนบุคคลของสตรีด้านสิทธิในชีวิตและร่างกายตามกฎหมายล้านนาและกฎหมายจีน ช่วงคริสต์ศตวรรษที่ 14 – 17

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Xinbei Lu
Sarassawadee Ongsakul


This article aims to study the similarities and differences of women's individual rights in terms of Right to Life and Bodily integrity under the Lan Na law and Chinese law during the 14th and 17th centuries from “The Ancient Lan Na Laws: An Analysis of its Legal Structure and Texts as Inscribed in Palmleaves From Time Immemorial” VOL. 3 Book. 1 - 8 and “the Great Ming Code” (Da Ming Lü大明律怀效锋点校). The author summarizes the characteristics of the Lan Na law and the Chinese law of the Ming dynasty and divide them into 4 issues: 1. The right to choose life partner, 2. The right to Life and Bodily integrity in the case of smuggling, 3. The right to Life and Bodily integrity in the case of adultery, 4. The right to Life and Bodily integrity in the event of rape. The results show that the Lan Na law and the Chinese law of the Ming dynasty are similar in the case of smuggling or rape, which is quite protective of the victim. However, in the case of adultery, the law judges that the husband is the victim, thus it’s legal for the husband to kill his unfaithful wife and her adulterer, and it’s also legal for the husband to sell or order his wife to remarry. The act above is considered a violation of the human rights of an adulterous woman. In addition, both of the Lan Na law and the Chinese law of Ming dynasty reflect the social hierarchy, because the punishment is also based on the social hierarchy of the perpetrator and the victim. The difference between the Lan Na law and the Chinese law of Ming dynasty is the punishment measures, for example, there’s a set of Five Punishments (wuxing 五刑) in the Great Ming Code, in order from the lighter to heavier, such as flogging by a light stick (chi 笞), flogging by a heavy stick (zhang 杖), penal servitude away from one’s native place (tu 徒) in five durations between one and three years, banishment (liu 流) at three distances between 2,000 and 3,000 li, and the death penalty, which is divided into strangulation (jiao 绞) decapitation (zhan 斩), and slicing (lingchi 凌迟). While in the Lan Na law, most of the punishment is imposing a fine. But in some cases, the perpetrator is sentenced to death, when the perpetrator is a slave while the victim is a woman of high status. Another difference is that women in Lan Na society have the right and freedom to choose life partner while most of the women of the Ming dynasty not, which reflects the difference of customs between Lan Na and Ming dynasty of China.

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