A Longitudinal Study on the Acquisition of the Co-occurrence Construction of the Chinese adverb “Jiu” and the sentence final particle “Le” by Thai University Students การศึกษาติดตามการเรียนรู้รูปแบบร่วมในคำวิเศษณ์ “Jiu” และคำช่วยเสริมท้ายประโยค “Le” ในภาษาจีนของนักศึกษาไทย

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Lin Caijun


:  Based on the composition corpus of the same group of Thai university students in the second to fourth grades, this research investigates the usage and characteristics of the co-occurring constructions of the Chinese adverb “Jiu” and the sentence final particle “Le”, the types and distribution characteristics of errors, and the order of acquisition among Thai University students. problem.  The results of the inspection show that: 1) The usage rate of the co-occurrence constructions by Thai University students is closely related to the composition style, the usage rate of the meanings of “Jiu” and the students’ composition level; 2) In general, the acquisition of the co-occurrence structure by Thai university students is relatively average, the overall error rate decreases linearly as the grade increases. they have learned that the distribution of the types of error of the co-occurrence constructions and the co-occurrence construction types which has errors are very concentrated. The presence or absence of “Le” in the co-occurring constructions is the difficulty for Thai university students to acquire various constructions; 3) Relatively speaking, the easiest co-occurrence construction for Thai university students to learn is “JL4.1”, and its accuracy rate has reached the standard of acquisition success. The co-occurrence constructions that are easier to learn but have not yet been successfully learned are “JL4.2, JL1, JL2, JL3.1”, and the two co-occurring constructions “JL3.2” and “JL3.3” become the relatively most difficult to learn constructions.  Mode. This order of acquisition is basically consistent with the usage rates of the meanings of “Jiu” and the co-occurring constructions. Finally, based on the above research results, we have obtained the teaching enlightenment for the teaching of the co-occurring constructions of the adverb “Jiu” and the sentence final particle “le” for Thai university students.

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