The writer’s worldview and reflections on Chinese society in the “Loneliness and Warmth” short story of Wang Zengqi โลกทัศน์ของนักเขียนและภาพสะท้อนสังคมจีนในเรื่องสั้น “ความเหงาและความอบอุ่น”《寂寞和温暖》ของวังเจิงฉี (汪曾祺)

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Sunee Leelapornpinit


This article aims to analyze and interpret the writer’s worldview and reflection on Chinese society in the “Loneliness and Warmth” short story of Wang Zengqi. The results of the study found that the writer's worldview reflected through the world of the protagonist, Shen Yuan, and colleagues at the Agricultural Science Research Institute to be more understanding the truth of things, the truth of life and opportunities of life. It is also related to the theme that presents the concept of the truth of life and facing life's problems with consciousness and calmness. In addition, the experience feelings and behaviors of the characters including the scene and atmosphere that occurred in the research institutes and the changing social conditions to reflect important political events during the period 1951-1962, whether it is Land Reform, Anti-Rightist Campaign or Great Leap Forward policy as well as reflecting some problems of Chinese society, these include corruption and abuse of power by officials in the Communist Party of China, agricultural product problems and the problem of violating women's rights as well. It can be said that the “Loneliness and Warmth” by Wang Zengqi is considered a “review literature” with a simple storytelling style, but presents a viewpoint that will make readers think deeply.

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