The Concept of Rule of Law and Justice in the Detective Martial Arts Novel Chu Liuxiang แนวคิดการปกครองด้วยกฎหมายและความยุติธรรมในนวนิยายกำลังภายในแนวสืบสวนสอบสวนชุดฉู่หลิวเซียง

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Jirayut Hansapan


In the first half of 20th century, the concept of Rule of Law and modern justice were introduced through detective characters on Chinese detective novels, along with the founding of modern nation-state and the establishment of modern justice system in China. After succumbing to The Chinese Communist Party in the civil war, the government of The Republic of China led by Kuomintang party withdrawn to Taiwan alongside millions of Chinese migrants and established a government in exile. Since then, Taiwan has been developed into modern nation-state, imitating the West. The concept of Rule of Law and modern justice were presented in Gulong’s Detective Martial Arts novels, Chinese Martials Arts fiction and Western detective fiction merged into a hybrid genre fiction. This article is to study and analyze the concept of Rule of Law and modern justice, proposed by the protagonist, detective and swordsman Chu Liuxiang, in the Detective Martial Arts Novel Chu Liuxiang. The study has found that the concept of Rule of Law and modern justice were proposed to Taiwanese Society in the 1970s by Chu Liuxiang. Comparing to other characters, the concept of Rule of Law and modern justice, proposed by Chu Liuxiang, were new, unaccustomed, and progressive. Nevertheless, Chu Liuxiang actions often contradicted his words, showing the interaction and negotiation of meaning, between the concept of Rule of Law and modern justice and the concept of Confucian ritual law and Chinese traditional justice.

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