‘A-Zhong’ Nationalist Discourse in Comments on Weibo วาทกรรมชาตินิยม ‘อาจง’ (阿中) ในคอมเมนต์บนแพลตฟอร์มเวยป๋อ

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Chonticha Teekamongkol
Chanyaporn Chawla


This study examines the 'A-Zhong' nationalist discourse present in Weibo comments, focusing on the linguistic strategies and techniques shaping this discourse. The research involved gathering data from comments and sub-comments with over 100 likes on Weibo posts containing the term ‘A-Zhong' from ten news agencies. The data, gathered between August and December 2019, was analyzed to understand the concepts of nationalism and the linguistic strategies in nationalist discourse. The findings reveal that the 'A-Zhong' nationalist discourse aims to achieve three objectives: 1) Celebrating the state, 2) Depicting state adversaries, and 3) Encouraging unity and solidarity. The linguistic strategies employed are categorized into four groups: 1) Usage of positively connoted words and phrases, 2) Utilization of negatively connoted words and phrases, 3) Assertion of claims, and 4) Employment of metaphors. These strategies collectively strengthen a sense of national identity and pride among Chinese citizens, reinforce their commitment to defend the nation and promote a spirit of unity.

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Author Biographies

Chonticha Teekamongkol, Chinese Section, Department of Eastern Languages, Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University




Chanyaporn Chawla, Chinese Section, Department of Eastern Languages, Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University




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