A COMPARATIVE STUDY ON THE USE OF MULTIPLE ATTRIBUTIVES IN MODERN CHINESE IN CORPUS AND CHINESE TEXTBOOKS FOR TEACHING CHINESE AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE การศึกษาเปรียบเทียบการใช้คำขยายคำนามต่อเนื่องหลายคำในภาษาจีนสมัยใหม่ จากคลังข้อมูลและจากตำราการเรียนการสอนภาษาจีนสำหรับชาวต่างชาติ

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Weiwei Wu
Sansanee Ek-atchariya


This study is based on data collected from an authoritative corpus and frequently used Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language (TCFL) textbooks, conducting an in-depth analysis of the use of multiple attributives in both the corpus and textbooks. The research focuses on the semantic relationship between attributives and the head noun, the arrangement order of multiple attributives, and the distribution frequency of different orders, aiming to reveal the usage patterns and preferred sequences of multiple attributives in modern Chinese, and to check whether the textbooks can reflect the use of multiple attributives in reality accurately. The results show that the use of multiple attributives in TCFL textbooks is largely consistent with that in the corpus, with two-attributive structures being the most frequent. However, as the number of attributives increases, their frequency of occurrence gradually decreases.       The data analysis also revealed that the “quantity + attribute” structure is the most commonly used among two-attributive constructions, followed by the “possession + attribute” structure. For three-attributive structures, the “quantity + attribute + attribute” and “possession + attribute + attribute” configurations are used most frequently, while no clear preferred sequence emerges for four or more attributives.


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