A Study of Worldview of Overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia Through Folk Narratives การศึกษาโลกทัศน์ของชาวจีนโพ้นทะเลในเอเชียตะวันออกเฉียงใต้จากเรื่องเล่าพื้นบ้าน

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Suphacha Sriratanaban


This study aims at analyzing the worldview of overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia through         folk narratives. By analyzing 115 folk narratives, it has been found that the worldview represented in  the folk narratives of the overseas Chinese can be grouped into 4 categories. The 4 categories are as follows: 1) worldview towards the relations between the Chinese and the locals, including “the Chinese married local people and adapted to the local culture”, “the Chinese forged productive relationships with the local ruling class” , “the Chinese disseminated knowledge and technology to the locals”, “the Chinese were creators or were involved in the creation of things in the local community”, “the Chinese played a crucial role in the economic, social, and political development of the local community”; 2) worldview towards the relations between the Chinese and the westerners, including “the Chinese were oppressed by the westerners”, “the Chinese joined forces with the locals in the resistance against western imperialism”; 3) worldview towards the values and moral principles held by the Chinese, including patriotism, perseverance, frugality, filial piety, and honesty; 4) worldview towards the hopes and fears of the Chinese, including safety of sea travel, safety of valuable possessions, and family reunion.


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