Error Analysis and Acquisition Research on the Chinese Particle “了” among Thai Chinese Learners of Different Proficiency Levels การศึกษาข้อผิดพลาดและการเรียนรู้การใช้คำไม่แท้ “了” ของผู้เรียนภาษาจีนชาวไทยที่มีระดับความรู้ทางภาษาต่างกัน

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Xuehui Guo
Nathakarn Thaveewatanaseth


In the field of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, the particle “了”has long been regarded as     a major challenge for Chinese learners due to its diverse meanings and functions, as well as the high mistake rate among foreign learners. In order to improve the efficiency of teaching the Chinese particle “了” to Thai learners, this study, based on the Sun Yat-sen University corpus, randomly sampled 30 essays from Thai learners at elementary, intermediate, and advanced levels of proficiency in Chinese. Guided by theories        such as the Order of Acquisition Hypothesis and Error Analysis Theory, the study analyzed the common errors in the use of specific grammatical patterns involving “了1” and “了2”among Thai learners, as well as their acquisition order and error patterns. The research found that the overall mistake rate of “了1”gradually decreased with the increase of proficiency level, while the mistake rate of "了2" showed a rebound phenomenon at the advanced level compared to the intermediate level. Additionally, learners' frequency of using “了1” and “了2”showed an overall increasing trend with the improvement of proficiency. Based on      the mistake rates of each grammatical pattern, a sequence of acquisition from difficult to easy was derived:  for "了1" patterns, at the elementary level: L1-3=L1-4>L1-6>L1-1>L1-5>L1-2; at the intermediate level:            L1-3>L1-1>L1-4>L1-5>L1-2=L1-6; at the advanced level: L1-3>L1-6>L1-1>L1-5>L1-2=L1-4. For "了2" patterns, at the elementary level: L2-3>L2-2>L2-1; at the intermediate level: L2-1>L2-2=L2-3; at the advanced level:  L2-1>L2-3>L2-2. Based on the acquisition order and mistake patterns of “了1” and “了2”patterns among Thai learners at different proficiency levels, this study suggests personalized teaching and emphasizes situational teaching in instruction. 

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