The Far Eastern University

Journal of Social Innovation and Lifelong Learning was originally established as the FEU Academic Review Journal, published as printed journal  during 2007 –  2018. Since 2015, FEU Academic Review Journal (Volume 8, Issue 2) started publishing online journal. The objective is to be a medium of publishing academic works, research works and creative works both in Thai and English in the fields of Business Administration and Management. Political Science and Public Administration, Communication Arts, Arts, Information Technology and Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities and Social Science.

FEU Academic Review Journal started published in 2007, issued quarterly (4 issues/year): Issue 1 (January – March) Issue 2 (April – June) Issue 3 (July – September) and Issue 4 (October – December). In the journal starting published year 2007, FEU Academic Review Journal have been published and issued semiannually (2 issues/ year): Issue 1 (June - November) and Issue 2 (December - May). In 2015, the issue was changed into quarterly (4 issues/year) starting from Vol. 9 Issue 1 onwards as follows: Issue 1 (May - July), Issue 2 (August - October), Issue 3 (November - January) and Issue 4 February - April). In addition, to avoid publishing the same journal over the year, the issue was changed again in 2016 starting from Issue 1 (January - March) and ending with Issue 4 (October - December). In 2024, the journal was renamed the Journal of Social Innovation and Lifelong Learning with ISSN: 3027-8414 (Online). This change took effect starting with Volume 18, Issue 1 (January-April 2024).

Journal of Social Innovation and Lifelong Learning publishes academic articles, research articles, review articles and book reviews in both Thai and English with the review process of at least 2 reviewers in the related fields (Double-Blind Review). Journal of Social Innovation and Lifelong Learning has been approved and published on the database of Thai Journal Citation Index Centre (TCI) Tier 2: Humanities and Social Sciences.

1. To be a medium for publishing qualified academic works, research works and creative works in Thai and English in Business Administration and Management. Political Science and Public Administration, Communication Arts, Arts, Information Technology and Interdisciplinary Studies of Humanities and Social Science which can provide both theoretical benefits to researchers to be able to develop or create new knowledge, and practical benefits to practitioners to be able to apply in various sectors including government, business and society and community sectors.
2. To support studies, researches and academic work of lecturers, researchers, academicians and students.

Journal of Social Innovation and Lifelong Learning provide a service for considering academic articles, research articles, review articles and book reviews in both Thai and English, under the conditions that those articles have never been published in any journals or any publications before (except research reports and theses) and are not being considered for publication in other journals. In case, some parts of articles have been published in the conference proceedings, the authors have to notify tha t the submitted articles have been added or expanded from the original ones. In addition, the authors have to identify in the articles that where and when some parts of those articles have been published.

  • The scope of Journal of Social Innovation and Lifelong Learning covers the contents as follows:
    1. Education: Educational Administration, Curriculum and Instruction, Educational Evaluation and Research, Learning Technology and Educational Innovation
    2. Business Administration: Finance, Acounting, Marketing, Marketing Communications, Tourism and Sevice Industries, Logistics Management and Business Information System and Management
    3. Information Technology: Technology and Innovation, Information Systems, Information Science and Geoinformatics

Issue Frequency:
Journal of Social Innovation and Lifelong Learning have been published and issued quarterly (3 issues/year) as follows:
Issue 1 January - April (issued in the last week of April)
Issue 2 May - August (issued in the last week of August)
Issue 3 September - December (issued in the last week of December)

Number of Article in Each Issue:
The number of articles published in each issue is not more than 10 articles

Policies for Considering Manuscript for Publications:
1. General Instruction
     1) Proposed manuscript has never been published in any journals or any publications before (except research reports and theses).
     2) Proposed manuscript are not being reviewed for publication in other journals.
     3) In case, some parts of articles have been published in the conference proceedings.The authors have to notify the submitted articles have been added or expanded from the original ones. In addition, the authors have to identify in the articles that where and when some parts of those articles have been published.
    4) Any views and comments in the article are the authors’ views. The editorial team has not to agree with those views and it is not considered as the editorial team’s responsibility. In case, there is any  lawsuit about copyright infringement, it is considered as the authors’ sole responsibility.
    5) The article copyright belonging to the Far Eastern University are copyrighted legally. Republication must be received direct permission from the authors and the Far Eastern University in written from.
2. Types of Accepted Manuscript for Publications
    Journal of Social Innovation and Lifelong Learning accept work publications both in Thai and English as follows:
     1) Academic Articles
     2) Research Articles
     3) Review Articles
     4) Book Reviews
3.  Peer Review
     1) The articles which will be reviewed for publication have to be the articles presenting academic quality and providing both theoretical benefits to researchers to be able to develop or create new knowledge and practical benefits to practitioners to be able to apply in various sectors including government, business and society and community sectors.
     2) The articles which will be reviewed for publication have to be passed the review process at least 2 reviewers in the field of study related and approved by the editorial team.
4. Steps of Peer Review
     1) The editorial team will notify the author when they have received the articles completely and perfectly.
     2) The editorial team will check the article layout and content whether they match with the content scope or not, including academic quality, both theoretical and practical benefits as well as the documentation completeness together with the article proposal to be reviewed for publication.
     3) In case, the editorial team considers accepting the articles for publication, the articles will be sent at least 2 reviewers in the field of study related to assess whether the article quality is within the appropriate criteria to be published or not. Through this peer review process, all the reviewers and the authors will not know each other's information (Double-Blind Review).
     4) When the peer reviewers have assessed the article quality already, the editorial team will have decided based on the reviewers’ recommendation that those articles should be published or submitted to the authors for correction and then sent to the reviewers for reassessment or rejected the publication.

5. Publication Fee

       The article manuscript must be considered in the initial screening process by the editorial team first. Then, the editorial team will inform the author to transfer fee for publication. The author must inform the nuber of reviewer as follows:

     5.1 In case of 2 reviewers
          1) The publication fee for Thai-language articles is 4,000 baht for both authors from within the university and authors from outside the university.
          2) The publication fee for English-language articles is 5,000 baht for both authors from within the university and authors from outside the university.
     5.2 In case of 3 reviewers:
          1) Thai-language articles: 5,500 baht for both authors from within the university and authors from outside the university.
          2) English-language articles: 6,500 baht for both authors from within the university and authors from outside the university.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Menuscript Submission Form

Manuscript submission form

Peer Review Process & Timeline

Peer Review Flowchart & Timeline

Sources of Support

Journal History

Journal of Social Innovation and Lifelong Learning was originally established as the FEU Academic Review Journal, published as printed journal during 2007 –  2018. Since 2015, FEU Academic Review Journal (Volume 8, Issue 2) started publishing online journal. The objective is to be a medium of publishing academic works, research works and creative works both in Thai and English in the fields of Business Administration and Management. Political Science and Public Administration, Communication Arts, Arts, Information Technology and Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities and Social Science.

FEU Academic Review Journal started published in 2007, issued quarterly (4 issues/year): Issue 1 (January – March) Issue 2 (April – June) Issue 3 (July – September) and Issue 4 (October – December). In the journal starting published year 2007, FEU Academic Review Journal have been published and issued semiannually (2 issues/ year): Issue 1 (June - November) and Issue 2 (December - May). In 2015, the issue was changed into quarterly (4 issues/year) starting from Vol. 9 Issue 1 onwards as follows: Issue 1 (May - July), Issue 2 (August - October), Issue 3 (November - January) and Issue 4 February - April). In addition, to avoid publishing the same journal over the year, the issue was changed again in 2016 starting from Issue 1 (January - March) and ending with Issue 4 (October - December). In 2024, the journal was renamed the Journal of Social Innovation and Lifelong Learning with ISSN: 3027-8414 (Online). This change took effect starting with Volume 18, Issue 1 (January-April 2024).

Journal of Social Innovation and Lifelong Learning publishes academic articles, research articles, review articles and book reviews in both Thai and English with the review process of at least 2 reviewers in the related fields (Double-Blind Review). Journal of Social Innovation and Lifelong Learning has been approved and published on the database of Thai Journal Citation Index Centre (TCI) Tier 2: Humanities and Social Sciences.

Past and Present Editors, Journal of Social Innovation and Lifelong Learning

1) Associate Proffessor Emon Chitasophone (Journal Volume 1 No. 1 (June 2007 – November 2007) - Journal Volume 2 No. 2 (December 2008 – March 2009))

2) Dr. Tipwan Prasertpan (Journal Volume 3 No. 1 (June 2009 – November 2009) - Journal Volume 5 No. 1 (June 2011 – November 2011))

3) Dr. Chattip Suwannachin (Journal Volume 5 No. 2 (December 2011 – March 2012) – Journal Volume 14 No. 1-4 (December 2020))

4) Assistant Professor Dr. Pongkorn Chantaraj (Journal Volume 15 No. 1 (April 2021 – Current Issue)