Login or Register to make a submission.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.

Policies for Considering Manuscript for Publications:

1.  General Instruction
     1) Proposed manuscript has never been published in any journals or any publications before (except research reports and theses).
     2) Proposed manuscript are not being reviewed for publication in other journals.
     3) In case, some parts of articles have been published in the conference proceedings. The authors have to notify the submitted articles have been added or expanded from the original ones. In addition, the authors have to identify in the articles that where and when some parts of those articles have been published.
     4) Any views and comments in the article are the authors’ views. The editorial team has not to agree with those views and it is not considered as the editorial team’s responsibility. In case, there is any  lawsuit about copyright infringement, it is considered as the authors’ sole responsibility.
     5) The article copyright belonging to the Far Eastern University are copyrighted legally. Republication must be received direct permission from the authors and the Far Eastern University in written from.
2.  Types of Accepted Manuscript for Publications
      Journal of Social Innovation and Lifelong Learning accept work publications both in Thai and English as follows:
      1) Academic Articles
      2) Research Articles
      3) Review Articles
      4) Book Reviews

     The scope of Journal of Social Innovation and Lifelong Learning covers the contents as follows:
    1. Education: Educational Administration, Curriculum and Instruction, Educational Evaluation and Research, Learning Technology and Educational Innovation
    2. Business Administration: Finance, Acounting, Marketing, Marketing Communications, Tourism and Sevice Industries, Logistics Management and Business Information System and Management
    3. Information Technology: Technology and Innovation, Information Systems, Information Science and Geoinformatics
3.  Peer Review
     1) The articles which will be reviewed for publication have to be the articles presenting academic quality and providing both theoretical benefits to researchers to be able to develop or create new knowledge and practical benefits to practitioners to be able to apply in various sectors including government, business and society and community sectors.
     2) The articles which will be reviewed for publication have to be passed the review process by at least 2 reviewers in the field of study related field (Double-Blind Review) and approved by the editorial team.
4. Steps of Peer Review
     1) The editorial team will notify the author when they have received the articles completely and perfectly.
     2) The editorial team will check the article layout and content whether they match with the content scope or not, including academic quality, both theoretical and practical benefits as well as the documentation completeness together with the article proposal to be reviewed for publication.
     3) In case, the editorial team considers accepting the articles for publication, the articles will be sent to at least 2 reviewers in the field of study related to assess whether the article quality is within the appropriate criteria to be published or not. Through this peer review process, both the reviewers and the authors will not know each other's information (Double-Blind Review).
     4) When the peer reviewers have assessed the article quality already, the editorial team will have decided based on the reviewers’ recommendation that those articles should be published or submitted to the authors for correction and then sent to the reviewers for reassessment or rejected the publication.

Manuscript Requirements:
1. Manuscript Preparation
          1) Proposed articles for publication should not exceed 15 A4 paper pages and must be “TH Sarabun New” font of 16-point type.
          2) Margin must be 1 inch (on all sides equally).
          3) Page number must be put at the top right position from the beginning to the end of article.
          4) Article title must be 18-point type, bolded and centered.
          5) Author’ names must be 15-point type, italicized and centered.
          6) Thai abstract must be 1-paragraph length (250 words), 16-point font typing in single-column format with keywords below.
          7) English abstract must be 1-paragraph length (250 words) 16-point font typing in single-column with keywords below.
          8) Content must type in single-column format with 16-point font.
          9) Table number must be 16-point or 14-point font (bolded).  Table name must be 16-point or 14-point font placed on left aligned table. Below the table identifies sources placed on left aligned.
          10) Picture number or chart must be 16-point or 14-point font (bolded).  Picture name or chart must be 16-point or 14-point font typed below picture or chart.  The next line identifies the source centered.   (Picture or chart should be clear with picture file attached).
          11) Reference must be 16-point font (bold) on left aligned. Content reference must be 16-point
          12) Author must verify manuscript authenticity, such as format, spelling, punctuation and language usage.
          13) Fill out the form to propose the article for publication with the author’s first and last name, biography, highest education qualification, academic position (if any), job position, affiliated agency or educational institution and attach author’s photo with JPG.
2. Article Components
          1) Academic Article
                    Title and content should point out the issues that need to be presented clearly with appropriate sequences for readers to understand clearly with analytic theories and complete recommended issues. The components should be as follows:
                    (1) Title
                    (2) Abstract
                              It must summarize the article content clearly. Both Thai and English abstracts are required. The first abstract must be written in Thai with 1-paragraph length (not exceed 250 words).
                    (3) Keyword
                              It identifies the content keywords suitable for using as keywords on the database.
                    (4) Introduction
                              It provides introduction and lay background for readers to know the basic information of content and motivate them to be interested in that.
                    (5) Text Body
                              It is the main part of the article content. Content sequences should be planned the presenting structure content to fit the content nature. Content should be presented continuously to help readers understand the content easily.
                    (6) Conclusion
                              It summarizes the whole article content clearly and concisely. It is placed below the content presented by identifying advantages and disadvantages.
                    (7) Reference
                              Reference must be written in the APA (American Psychological Association) 7th edition format.
          2) Research Article
                    Research article should present research results systematically. It should have components as follows. (Different topics or components are accepted)
                    (1) Title
                              Title must be both in Thai and English. Thai title comes first and follows with English one in the next line.
                    (2) Abstract
                              Both Thai and English abstracts are required. The first abstract must be written in Thai with 1-paragraph length (not exceed 250 words). (Abstract writing is a summary of the essence subject, especially the objectives, methodology and results).
                    (3) Keyword
                              Identify the keywords of content which are suitable for using as keywords on the database.
                    (4) Introduction
                              It is a description of background, problem significance and reasons leading to research with supportive or controversial academic information.
                    (5) Research Objectives
                              Identify the objectives and goals of research.
                    (6) Literature Reviews
                              Literature reviews presents concepts and theories involved leading to research framework.
                    (7) Research Methodology
                              Research Methodology describes the process of conducting the research thoroughly and clearly.
                    (8) Results
                              Result presentation must be relevant to research procedure results. Number of tables or charts used should not exceed 5 tables or charts with meaningful interpretation and clear finding analysis.
                    (9) Discussion
                              Research results must be integrated, compared and interpreted in accordance with theories, concepts and researches related. In addition, research findings must be liked with research problems accordingly.
                    (10) Conclusion
                              Research results must be summarized with provided recommendations and contributions.
                    (11) Reference
                              It must be written in the APA (American Psychological Association) 7th edition format.
3. Reference
    Journal of Social Innovation and Lifelong Learning use the APA (American Psychological Association) 7th edition format. (download reference format)
          1) In-text citation
                    In-text citation use the following format:
                    (Author’s first and last name, year of publication, page number)
                    ... applications in plant sciences, hydrology, earth sciences, and land use analysis (Campbell, 2007, 54)

          2) Reference List
                    Reference list use the following format:
                    (1) Book
                              Author’s name.  (Year of publication).  Book Title. Publisher.
                            โอภาส เอี่ยมสิริวงศ์. (2557). วิทยาการคอมพิวเตอร์และเทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศ. ซีเอ็ดยูเคชั่น.
                              Campbell, J. B. (2007). Introduction to Remote Sensing (4th ed.). Routledge.
                    (2) Journal Article
                              Author’s name.  (Year of publication). Title.  Journal NameVolume(No.), Page.
                              นภสินธุ์ สานติวัตร และ สารศาสตร์ สุขเจริญสิน. (2564). การศึกษาความสัมพันธ์ระหว่างการจ่ายเงินปันผลและการเปลี่ยนแปลงของกำไรในอนาคต. จุฬาลงกรณ์ธุรกิจปริทัศน์, 43(3), 1-21. https://doi.org/10.1080/00228958.2011 

                              Aryadoust, S. V. (2009). Mapping Rasch-based measurement onto the argument-based validity framework. Rasch Measurement Transactions, 23(1), 1192-1193. https://www.rasch.org/rmt/rmt231f.htm

                    (3) Thesis
                              Author’s name. (Year of publication). Thesis Title [Doctoral dissertation or Master's thesis, University]. Website name. URL
                              สิทธิพงค์ กลิ่นกระจาย. (2562). การประยุกต์ระบบสารสนเทศภูมิศาสตร์เพื่อจำแนกลำดับศักย์ของถนน : กรณีศึกษาจังหวัดพระนครศรีอยุธยา [วิทยานิพนธ์ปริญญามหาบัณฑิต, จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย]. Chulalongkorn University Intellectual Repository (CUIR). http://cuir.car.chula.ac.th/handle/123456789/69516

                               Zambrano-Vazquez, L. (2016). The interaction of state and trait worry on response monitoring in those with worry and obsessive-compulsive symptoms [Doctoral dissertation, University of Arizona]. UA Campus Repository. https://respository.arizona.edu/handle/10150/620615

                    (4) Web page
                              Author’s name or Site Owner. (Year, Month date of Publication). Title of Page. Website name. URL.
                              รุ่งธรรม บัวแตง. (2559, 30 มิถุนายน). แนวโน้มของเทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศในอนาคต. กรมวิทยาศาสตร์และเทคโนโลยีกลาโหม. http://www.dstd.mi.th/board/index.php?topic=1239.0

                                Department of Mineral Resources. (2021, January 11). Tham Luang-Khun Nam Nang Non. http://webeng.dmr.go.th/Show_Detail.aspx?DetailId=107

4. Manuscript Submission
         Authors submit article manuscript (Word format), English language editing certificate by an expertise (for article in English language and abstract) and attach proposal article for publication form through Online Submissions https://www.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/FEU/information/authors.
         Moreover, authors must submit authentic proposal article for publication form to the editorial team with signatures of all authors according to the address below. (Download manuscript submission form)

         Editorial Team, Journal of Social Innovation and Lifelong Learning
         The Far Eastern University
         120 Mahidol Road, Muang District, Chiang Mai, 50100

        For the benefits of authors, please study the article print format and reference format image, as well as download the article template from menu Download  (Download Academic ArticleTemplateDownload Research Article Template)
        The article manuscript must be considered in the initial screening process by the editorial team first. Then, the editorial team will inform the author to transfer fee for publication  and submit the article to the reviewers in the field of study related for assessment before publication. Publication Fee:
    1 In case of 2 reviewers
          1) The publication fee for Thai-language articles is 4,000 baht for both authors from within the university and authors from outside the university.
          2) The publication fee for English-language articles is 5,000 baht for both authors from within the university and authors from outside the university.
     2 In case of 3 reviewers:
          1) Thai-language articles: 5,500 baht for both authors from within the university and authors from outside the university.
          2) English-language articles: 6,500 baht for both authors from within the university and authors from outside the university

        Furthermore, if the article passes the assessment by reviewers in the field of study related and the editorial team’s consideration, the author will receive a letter of acceptance for publication within a period of 3-4 months (starting from the date when the article is submitted to the reviewers in the field of study relevant for assessment before publication) as detailed in the peer review process. (Download Peer Review Flowchart)
5. Following-up on reviewed work for publication in the journal
       Authors whose work have been reviewed for publication in the journal can follow-up the work from the electronic journal on the Thai  Journal Online: ThaiJo (URL: https://www.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/FEU).